Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1655

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SEVENTIETH CO NG RE SS . SESS . II. CH. 705 . 1929 . pa cking, c rating, and tran sportati on (incl uding dr ayage) o f person al ef fects of employe es upon permanen t change of stat ion with in Alask a, un der regu lations to be pr escribed by the Secretar y of the Interio r . GOV ER NME NT IN THE TERRITORIES TERR ITO RY OF ALASKA Government in the Territories . Alaska. Governor and scare- tart' .

Governor, $7,000 ; secretary, $3,700 ; in all, $10,700 . Conti ngent expens es . For incidental and contingent expenses, clerk hire, not to exceed $3,520 ; janitor service for the governor's office and the executive man- s ion, not to ex ceed $2, 940 ; tra veling e xpenses of the g overnor while absent from the capital on official business, and of the secretary of the Territory while traveling on official business under direction of the governor ; rent of executive offices, repair an d pres ervatio n of governor's house and furniture ; for care of grounds and purchase of necessary equipment ; stationery, lights, water, and fuel ; in all, $14,800, to be expended under the direction of the governor . Care of insane .

Insane of Alaska : For care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including transportation, burial, and Provisos .

other expenses, 5157,000 : Provided, That authority is granted to the Payment to Sanita- riu m Company. Secretary of the Interior to pay from this appropriation to the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, or to other contracting institution or institutions, not to exceed $624 per capita per return, etc ., of per- annum for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients sons not Alaska rest- during the fiscal year 1930 : Provided further, That so much of this dents, su m as may be requ ired sha ll be av ailable for all necessar y expens es in ascertaining the residence of inmates and in returning those who are not legal residents of Alaska to their legal residence or to their friends, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, so soon as practicable, return to their places of residence or to their friends all inmates not residents of Alaska at the time they became insane, and the commit- ment papers for any person hereafter adjudged insane shall include a state ment by the committing authority as to t he legal residence of such person . Suppressing liq uor traffic .

in intoxicating liquors : For suppression of the traffic in . intoxicating liquors among the natives of Alaska, to be expended under the direction of the secretary of the Interior, $16,200 . Ala ska Railr oad . Mai nten ance , etc

The Alaska Railroad : For every expenditure requisite for and ., expenses .

incident to th e authorized work of the Alaska Railroad , including maintenance, operation, and improvements of railroads in Alaska ; Operati on of vessels . maintenance and operation of river steamers and other boats on the Yukon R iver and its tributaries in Alaska ; operation and maint e- nance of ocean-going or coastwise vessels by ownership, char ter, or arra ngement with other branches of the Gover nment service, for the purpose of providing additional facilities for the transportation of freight, passengers, or mail, when deemed necessary, for the bene- fit and development of industries and travel affecting territory tribu- tary to the Alaska Railroad ; stores for resale ; payment of claims for losses and damages arising from operations ; payment of amounts Payment for injuries . due connecting lines under traffic agreements ; payment of compensa- u l. . tion and expenses as authorized by section 42 of the Injury Com- pensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (U . S . C ., p . 81, sec . 793), ditional . Rai lroa dreoe ipts , ad- to be reimb ursed as therein provide d, $1,20 0,000, i n additi on to al l amo unts rec eived by the Ala ska Rail road dur ing the fiscal y ear 1930 , Provisos .

to continue available until expended : Provided, That not to exceed Services in the Dis- trict .

6 .000 of this fund shall be available for personal services in the Printing and bind- District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1930 : Provided further, mg.

That not to exceed $8,000 of such fund shall be available for printing and binding : Provided further, That $400,000 of such fund shall be