Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1777

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xxvi INDEX. Bld/- A,., ..", Mont .. appropriation fw IUpport, e6o., of In- cJu.a.M.. __ ~ __ ~ _____ .. ____ 822.1684 tal" ~plo;yee'. c~_____________ 1667 Bl4dd- liWia"S..pilol,JlOftL, -' appco~tion .tor·-· maiD.~ ..,. of_- _____________________ i'Jt, 1381 Blaclt;f- IffllMa ~ AI... . appcopriation lor maiDteDADee, ete., CJI Irrip~n .ayateme 00; "Pay- ~t ___________________ ~_ .213, 157S de8oI.ncy M»~n.fOl' purchMe of . ed, ..ncultural iinplemeota. etc., lorlndiau,of________ 1611, 1678 awn. BIrNc NB".J D. C., . appcopriatton lor IP'adiDa: Forty-Dlnth Street to Dfvillion....lveDue.. __ __ _ 6Sli BItAne, Wui&., appfopriatioo lor public buDdin, ____ 10'1 ddaieocy appropriation for public bUlld1DC at.______ .. __ _ __ _ __ _ __ 919 Blind, A"..,.. ." Prifllifl{l BOUHJoru.... ap~ lor ~Viding bOob, etc. by, for tbe bliDd.. __________ 186.1049 deflcleDCy vttt:~ !:.,~e ~_______________________ 84 Blind CAildrm, D. C ., ~~n for iDstruotion of, out of ~~t _______________ 661,1277 Blind, D. C'I • appl'Op!ill.Q)nfor a1d. etc., to National Library for the____________ 677, 1293 for Columbia Polytechnio lDati- ~~ S.::.;~~;8i_..~M;ii~77, 1293 _app~t»~on for Ulvestiptius,'" 681, 1239 B~OI:lG., . Ppl'Oltnatkm lor IndiaD IIChool aL___ 1579 BloOmi .. -~ ~p~n lor publio buildb)g;.__ __ 1041 deficiency approPriation. for pIIbUo . buiJdiDs.t__.. ___.... _________ _ 919 884 . .~ -I~i c1&G rtl, deficiency ~pro~riation for ~__ Board .Jor V~ Bducation (He . Federal Board for VocatioDal Ed~tiori). . Bocrd oJ VUitor, PqI, . app ~on for Military Aoademy_ 846, 1367 , for Naval Academy____________ 638,1466 oompoeition of Cougressional member- Iibip to, of Military Academy _ _ 697 viai~::d..~_~__~e!__e~~_~ 597 Boordl oJ Trade . exempt; fl'om inoome tax_____________ 813 Boot., Foreign Built, ~ on uaera of, repealed; effective July . ,.' 1,1928______________________ 867 BobcoU, approprl&tlon tor devising methods tor d~ying----------------- 669,1209 BO(IGlUfG, LG.., appl'QPriation for publio buildins-- _ __ _ 1041 deficiency appropriation for public · bUDdlnlat--- _- - - _ ____ ____ ___ 919 Bogue ChUio Riuer, bridp authorized across, in Saint Tam- many Parish, La______________ 103 removal, when abandoned._ ________ 753 Boi;e, Idaho, appropriation for l188&y office at____ 176, 1041 for publio buildin~_____ ___________ 1041 deficfeDoy appropnation for publio bun~----------------~---- 919 Boils Irrigation Project, Idaho, . appropriation for construction, Payette division___________________ 228, 1590 balances for Dl8.intenance, etc., Payette and Arrowrock divisioDB 228, 1590 . deficien:!1l' appropriation for Pay~tte . divUdoD._____________________ 902 for drainage system, Notus division_ 1642 designated Government water rishts ~quished to Arrowrock divi- 810n of_______________________ 1410 distribution of water throUSb the ~,etc ____________________ 1410 Bolivar, G61UJ1'OJ Simon, defiCIency ~pproI>tiation for statue of, · i ll. City of Panama____________ 911 Bolillia appr:,priation for minister to _______ 65, 1096 Bocrd '" CAildrtm'. o-m - .,D. C., deficie~.p~onfo~l9Z6---~- Bo4nl W D. C_ (.. .z.o.Publio G Bolling F~t D. C., appropriatton for part cost of operating membera~·~. Jfab~ in derrw' for omcla ~DB thereo~_____________________ 1139 costa in auiw to be clJaloged to the ~_____________ .. _______ 1139. Boord oj Mediation, appropriation for salaries__ .. _ _ ____ 1S7o. 1232 contract 8tenocraphio reporting aervice_______________________ 071S for IUPIJlies I etc.. _______________ 070,1232 for Jaw boob, periodicals, etc___ 075, 1232 for rent_______________________ 575, 1232 for &l"bikation boarda___ · ____ ___ 575,1232 for emerpncy boards___________ 675, 1232 for i'rintins and binding for _____ 575, 1232 Boord 0/ Tc AppeaZ. (He'Z'O Revenue Act of 1928), appropriation for e~nsee of. __ _ __ 076, 1233 for printing 8l1d. hiIlc:lius for _____ 676, 1233 deficiency appropriation for printing and binding for_______________ 886 for aalariea and expeD8e8___________ 1616 procedure,eto______________________ 871 air mail service lights at_ ______ 659 additional Bite for extending flying field at,auth~ ________________ 1303 amounts authoried for Army Air Corps · bUildings, eta_" ____________ 129,1304 . o onBtructionfor Air Corps, authorized at 749 may be selected for radio and communi- cationcenter___·__ "___________ 1303 Bollworm oJeotton (,ee also Pink Bollworm of Cotton), . . . appropriation for preventing spread . of, etc_______________________ 560 for research OD.___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ 1208 BondIt, etc,} oJ Railr~, . appropnation for securing information con~-_-------------- 08~ 1240 ~Tho","P., payment; to Harry Wanima.n, James D. Hobbs, and.t . authorized for U68 • <i Bieber Jiuilding, D. C ., by Agricultural Department, 1926, 1927,1928 __________________ _ further lease of building authorised__ 56 56