Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1841

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xo INDEX. ..",., of A"..., ••-ccmtbuJed. r-. "'odit~tinu'l!d. PuB. 913 fibel prooeedinp for condemnation, etc.; arms ana mWli~0D8 cI. war ~ be delivered to W.a" Depa.rimeDt __ 1424 llzport of CtJfllc, .., examfn·tJoo authorlHd of aD ~ which carry to foreign oounkiel, cattle, honM, mWel, .... abee~lO&ta,or.wiDe_________ 789 ruJeep~per r=p!,~: =~u~ mane R.tlDeDt______________ '190 ownera of vtlllela violat.iDt, may be prohibited from C&n'yiDg the eame for preecribed J>8ri9d- ____ 790 vseel IDA7 be nlUMil cIMnDca from an.y UDit.ed State. port. _ _ _ 790 Bzporq 0/ ,r." ,nnu, V~, .., approprlatfonfor ~tfonand oertify- q OODdition 01_ _ ____________ 1216 &porilWw.. C,..,. (HI ~ World's ~ Palr). B~I~ deleIeDtiy appropriah for Beville, ~---------------------- 913 ~1~P~ 8tatea aDd forelp. couDtria in~ted to ~ta!n. at TuIaa, Olda.. _ _ 788 ~J1... D.C., AppiroprlaUOD for burial ollDdipDt, ill ~ eta., oemeteria.__ 017,12N BTarmstroBot (talk)of~.. appropridlola foi ~. ex- for .&:::;> ~penit;.i~~ 1193 tlDD work_________________ M2, 1193 ac::1t:fe_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~ 1193 for add1tio1aal cooperative exteaafon work _____________________ ~ 1193 pla:)a CII ezpeDdItve________ - M3, 1193 co~ ...ta _______________ 1t3,1193 for ~:r~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~__~~, 1193 for further COODer&tion of State col- iegee and the PePNtment- __ _ _ 1193 for cooperati'fe fa:rIn fol'elltq- - __ 6'3. 1193 for cooperative UIIe of farm IIpDto. in rebabilltatInB 1looded &reaL____ 643 defiekmcy appropriation fOr pneral ~--------------------- 44 for coo.,...U~ mdeDsIon worlt.. __ __ _ 894 _ Q re1&tlDg to, e:dended to Hawaii_ _ li7l permanent annual appropriationa for, increased_____________________ 672 ~ WIri, A~wal, cooperation With State co1lepe for further develop.eDt of ________ 711 amouat authoriaed aDnuaDy for work in &&ri!:ulture and home economics 711 8118eDt. of govErnor, if legislature Dot in eeeslOD____________________ 712 annual increasing appropriatloDl____ 712 proportion of approp~tion for county q'ents to develop system with men, women, boys, and girls___ _ 712 appointment of men and women in fmrpropo~D._______________ 712 use of agricultural trains___________ 712 BUlD8 authorized, are additions to, and Dot substitutes for, former appropriations________________ 712 BslraditWn appropri~tion for expenses bringing home criminalS from abroad__ 76,1107 de1ioiency appropriation for bringing home CnmInall from abroad___ _ F. 'aiT/a C01&,.", Va., bridge authorised aeroM Potomac River, between Montgomery County, Md., and_____________________ m Pairji,eld, 1D1DG, appropriation for publio building__ ___ 1042 de6cl81lcy appropriation for publio FairjWd, =!'1r!;-Air~------u 920 amOUD~ autiborUed for constructios fuel oU tanks______________________ 130 construction autho~ at________ 7~9, 1304 Fairlalm A_lUI BE., D. C., name of Railroad Avenue changed to_ _ 997 'air.. &aI.e, I.ural4le, de., appropriation for makinc agricultural exhib~t. at________________ M3, 1193 FalUmAal, Bergeonl Charla, Armr deficiency appropriation for, ios. of personal property____________ _ Fall Rifler, Mau., appropriation for public buildin8_ _ _ ___ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 920 Fallcm, Nfff1., deficiency appropriation for public buildilll at__________________ _ 32 Fallootr., Virgil, etc., may ~_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk),__~~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 390 time extended for bridgilll Mi8>uri River, at Rulo, Nebr., by______ 1524 'uB,., TAe, appropriation for develcoping commerce ~~ _____________________ 86, 1117 deficiency appropmtion for promoting ~~ tb ________ ____ gsa,1617 Fargo, N.IW., appropriation lor public building_ _ _ 179, 1042 -- ~mlary authc;rlty as to site, eonstruetion, ute______________ 179 lDay bridae Red River of the North, to MoorhMd, Minn___________ 472 time extended for bridging Red River of the North, at, by__ ___ __ ______ 1534 P_Pir_, l!oppropriatioD for developing methods ofpreventing______________ 557,1207 F_ PMWIrV, CooptJr'GliH. appropriation for _Ulliating establish- ment,etc., of______________ 643,IHI3 ,-Im,oeion, appropriation for investigations, etc_ 660, 1211 PGrm Landi, cooperati~e emplo~ent with States, etc., of county extension for rehabilitating, in flood areas of 1927 _______________________ _ Parm LocI" Auoc&anona, exempt from income tax_____________ 814 Parm Loan Bureau (,u Federal Farm Loan B\II"8&U, Treasury Depsr,t. ment). Farm MGftCIg"'" ~ Prod,", sppropriation for investigating, etc. improved methods of______ • . 5th, 1211 for ascerta.lni~ cost of production 01 staple agncultural product._ 6 61, 1212