Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1901

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cl INDEX. K~inued. 1'.... may Mq1ibe, after oomJJhltioD. bri~ ' .. oM Ohio. RC\'et, bMween Owenahoro, Ky...and Rockport, Ind_______________ .~------- 1323 at~e,y, OhJo______ .. _~~ _____' __769 . at Sb&wneetown, DL___________ 479 Miaafaippi River, at Bickm&!),Ky__ 322 TeDDelI8IeRivir, at mouth of Clarka .R1yer__.. __ __ __ __ __ _ .. ~------- 143 at...~ Ferry, Tenn. ___' _ __ _ __ 144 Dl&71:TarmstroBot (talk) 01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)__~;~':.!~ 613 at Burnaide_____________ '~______ 615 at CiI.n _______________ ~_ .... --- 607 at ~nter Point___________ ~____ 614 ,:l~~CrOOt=:::':::: atg "1'aM ,.,:.._,----~-------- .. - - - - .. - 756 at Neeln Ferry ________________ ~ _ 612 at SmithlAnd_____ -------------- 608 Ohio lUV8l't at Carrollton __ ~_______ 1316 &:TarmstroBot (talk)beriin(iRfiei_-it 1696 -B1l!DIlde_'_ _____________ _____ 612 Tenne1188 ~"!i'r, at mouta of Clarka ' IU~~ ___ -__ ____ ____ ____ ____ 807 tbne~~:~ri"Scum~d 608 River, at Arat, by______ .. ~ .. - -. 1'527 aUWrallde, by_.. __ ~ .. ___________ 1488 near ~-WHle, by____ ._. :.. __ _ _ _ 1523 at Ceiltaa..'by_~___ .;.,._ .. --------- 1501 at 0aDier :POint, by ______ '-~_____ 1500 at Creela~:.. --<a- "''.:-.---.-- II;: '8 at ~ers ) ¥ ..~_____ 1524 atmotithOf ..'

py,.~ __ 1526

at I~,~.,;by.. -_,------------- 1523 at N=~, by_~ ____ n _____ 1528 S!:th ' cif~~(rRi';;;' 1501 , atB11l'JlIde. by ___ ,.___________ 1501 TenDei1e8 IUver, at mouth of Kentvc:q,~~v'~ndicm;;~A;;-- 1524 ,may ~~OhfO lUver, near Cfticlnnati, . (Rd o~_ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 1512 KuMftq, A~, Wu., app~"'fOt.uppmt, etc., of Indl- _ M.; ______:. __'_____________ 1584 for remodeling building for an aged, eto.,. homafW~M""""" ____ 1584 Kuhenq BotJliW, !II""- ~ Wv., - appropliatlDa. : lor ~oUOD and K==~~=TarmstroBot (talk) ::: tableS .·be encted OD aite of Revolu- tioDaT1 War B&Weol________ 718 K~F... W ... .. , , tune exteDded t. bricIclDc' Columbia lUver, at____________ .. _ __ _ ' ..; __ 51 IC"" Bridge, D. C., FrancU SeoU, . apllropri&tion for ~ upeDIIe8__ 657 KTarmstroBot (talk) of COlt of·bridges on uveraea Highway from, to themalnland. __________ ._____ 591 Iie1apoo A,..,er. Kam., . appropdation for .support, ete., of ~ **___________________ 222 Kill D..a Hill, Kilt1l Hawk, N. C ., appropriation for monument OD, com- memorating 1lrat euoceuful air- plane flight__________________ 357 Kill lNf,iZ Hill, KiUg Hawk. N. C .- C On. ~.. .. COllgl'ellllioD&l committee to at~d un- . veiUng ot memorial to Wilbur and orvwe Wright for airplane ftIIbt,al.-.. ___ ~______________ _ 1020 lCtftg, BdtDGrd J., late a ReprumtotiH in Conrr"', ' deficiuc01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~_~!--~ 1623 King,Former Vice Preaident William BtV"UI, appropriation for tablet at Clinton, N. C., in eommemoration 01.._ _ 1378 tablet to be erected ~ commemoration of, at his birthplace, Clinton, N. C_-" ____ .. _....'___________ • __ , 719 ground to be furnished by: the town.. _ 719 subj~tTarmstroBot (talk) 01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~f_~:.~:~~ 719 Bum authorUed €or________________ 719 King. JI~n,'B. C., defioieaoy appropriation for 1Ul'V8Y, ete., of battle field oL_________ 929 CODlDliaaion crea~ tor study, ete., of . . battle tleld "f____• _________ .. 412 qualifications of__________________ '13 inspeeUon aod repoft on feuibllity of preeervibg, for hiatorlcal stJlc:ij>,· ·eto _____ ~ _ __ _ _ ___ ___ __ 413 &IIlOWlt autJaoriad for expeDSell___ '13 Ki,."pore, TM...· , appropriation forpublio building_____ 1042 defioiaDq ~ f. eite and KiocG, _&:O~'".lp;d;-:i~: 921 OW4." ' appropriatIOn ,or .aQppQrt. etc., of Indians at_______ ~-------- 223,1584 Kiowa,CttrMmCIN, Gntl A~ I~flII, Okla., appropriatiOR fort IlUPport, etc. _ __ _ 207, 1534 for ~t w, from oil royalties truat fund ___ ~"" _____ __ • __ _ 207,1569 forlOhool, ForUIilL_ ._ - __ ___ __ __ _ 1578 deficJency ~ for attorney's fees. - from oil royalties trust f;:;;d_, _. _ ....... _____ ._;..________ 18 for pa~Id to, from. oU. royalties trustfund___________ ' -_ __ _ _ __ _ 1M2 Kiowa, etc., Indi4n Hospital, fJkl&•• defioieBcy appropriatioq .for coutruc- tion,eto ______________ ~------ 1642 KiotDG l~ A~, Otia., . boys' dorDli!ol'J' authorised at River- .aide Indian -School, near Ana- darko_______________________ 401 amou.t - autborUed. ~ be appro- prJated____________________ .:_ 401 Kutring.,-, J oh~ B., . . appropriation for monthly payments to_____________ .. ______ ~ _ _ ~ 353, 1374 name placed on yellow f~ver honor roll and-presontedgold medaL __ ._ _ _ 1409 to receive $125 monthly_____________ 1410 KitalJp Cov.nCr/, WGlh., . . bridge authorized acroea Agate P8IlIl, connecting Bainbridge Island with mainlab.d iIl.____________ 1447 Kiltannitlf1, PG., " bridse authOrised aoross Allegheny River, /lot____________________ 117 time extended for bridgin, Allegheny Ha!t:ek. r.,-------------------- 12M appropriation for monument on Kill Devil Hill, ~ -QOJDJBemOrate first sl'ocessful airplane flight_______ 357