Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1927

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• clxxvi INDEX. MonI«Iideo, Minn., p .... deficiency appropriation for publio buDdingat___________________ 33 MonI«Iideo, U~lI annual contnbuUon authorized for America.n International Insti- tute for Protection of Childhood at__________________________ 487 Mont..umG CGlUe National Monument, appropriation for addition to employees' quaJters_____________________ 1599 MonluumG National Form, Colo., lands added to_____________________ 711 computation of value 0'-__________ 711 amount to credit of Confederated Bands of Utes________________ 711 from receipts of the Forest______ 711 MOfItgOfMf'1/ Counlll, Md., bridge authorized acl'Ol!8 Potomac River between Fairfax County, Va., and_________________________ 442 Montgomery, La., bridge authorized &Cl'088 Red River, at_ 1497 Montiullo, M~nn., bridge authorized acl'Ol!8 Mississippi ..M~~:n-B~;,;;hiP:--------------- 118 appropriation for reconditioning_ _ _ ___ 586 eelling price limited_____________ 587 Monumenta, appropriation fori to Oaaae Indians who losttheirliveain World War_ 225, 1587 for, on site of battle between Sioux and Pawnee Indians in 1873____ 1587 erection authorized, on site of battle between Sioux and Pawnee In- dians in 1873_________________ 936 Monumenta Comminion, American Battle, appropriation for expenses ________ 574,1231 Monumeflt8, D. C., erection of memorial, to Samuel Gompers, authorized in public grounds_____________________ 193 sites excluded; approval of design required,etc_________________ 193 erection of, in memory of Peter M uhlen- berg,autho;zed______________ 483 erection on publio grounds of, in mem- O!y of Major General Artemas Ward, authorized_____________ 689 Moores Creek National Military Park, . N.C., appropriation for oontinuing establish- mentoL _________________ 356, 1376 deficiency apPI:Op~tion for expenses; reappropnatIOn_______________ 37 Moorhead, Minn., bridge authorized across Red River of the North, Fargo, N. Dak., to__ 472 time extended for bridging Red River of the North at, by_____________ 1534 Moran, John J., name placed on yellow fever honor roll and presented gold medal______ 1409 to.receive $125 monthly_____________ 1410 Moreau River', appropriation for half cost of bridge acrOBB, on Cheyenne River Res- ervation, S. Dak., from Indian . funds_______________________ 1487 Morehome Pariah, La., may bridge Bayou Bartholomew, at Point PleasanL______________ 57 Morqan City, La., bndge authorized acroy Atchafalaya MorglJ~:e#.a}a~:----------------- 279 appropriation for publio buDding______ 1043 deficiency appropriation for public buUding at__________ __ ___ ____ 922 Morgarridge, W. F ., deficiency appropriation for, 1088 of postage stamps ______________ _ Mor(/U8, D. C., 27 appropriation for supplies, expenses, etc_______________________ 646, 1264 for reconstructing wharf___________ G46 ,Morocco, appropriation for agent and consul . senera! at Tangier__________ 65,1096 for Cape Spartel, etc., light on coast of_________________________ 69, 1100 for expenses of American prisoners in_ 1107 allowance for consular prisons in, 1928, 1929________________________ 1612 Morongo Indian Ruervation, Cali!., appropriation for irrigation pro j e c t on _______________________ 210, 1572 Morris, J. C., may bridge Ohio' River at Augusta, Ky., as mayor thereoL________ 433 Morrison County, Minn., may b01:23, 25 September 2010 (UTC)!01:23, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~_~t_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:23, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 118 Morrison, Marguerite S., pier and wharf in the Deer Island thor- oughfare, Me., buDt by, legalized 764 Morristown, N. Y., bridge authorized across Saint Law- rence River, Brookville, Canada, and ________________________ 1482 Morro Puercos! Panama, aid to navigation authorized onJ.. in Pacific Ocean approach to ran- aDlaCanal___________________ 1262 Morse, E. K., may bridge Delaware River, at Bur- MoscowitTarmstroBot (talk);"~~----------------- 324 investigation of official conduct o!) as district judge of New lork eastern district_ ______________ 1542 subcommittee of House of Represent atives Judiciary C01IlIIlittee to inquire if, has been guilty of acts deemed high crimes and misdemeanors________________ 1542 powers conferred; to report to House Judiciary Committee__________ 1542 . clerical, etc., assistance, and expenses authorized___________________ 1543 limitation on expenses _______ ~_____ 1543 appointment of Homer W. Hall on subcommittee, in place of Royal H_ Welder, deceased__________ 1697 M osquitoe8, Salt M IJr8h, II.ppropriation for cODlpleting survey of areas in Southern States to con- trol breeding oL______________ 175 Moths, Gypsy and Brown Tail, appropriation for investigations, etc___ 1208 forj>reventing spread of. __ __ __ _ 565, 1216 Motor Vehicle Service, Postal Service, substitutes when appointed to regular status given credit for actual time as substitut~s____________ 1016