Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/484

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . CHs . 380-382 . 1928 . feet west of s aid n orth east corne r, m easur ed al ong said east and west center line, thence at right angles to last-described course sout hwest erly a dis tanc e of forty -two feet, the nce north weste rly forty-two feet from and parallel to first-described course a distance of nine ty-fo ur fe et, t henc e nor theas terl y nin ety-f our feet from and parallel to second-described course, a distance of twenty-three feet, thence northwesterly nineteen feet southwesterly from and parallel to first-described course, extended a distance of fifty feet, thence at right angles to last-described course, northeasterly ten feet, thence southeasterly nine feet southwesterly from and parallel to first- descri bed co urse e xtende d fift y feet, thenc e at r ight a ngles north- easterly to point of beginning, containing four thousand four hun- dred and forty-eight square feet or one-tenth acre, more or less" : Provi ded, howev er, That t he abo ve-des cribed lands shall be con veyed to th e Chi cago and Weste rn In dian a Rai lroad Comp any, its succe s- sors or assigns, only in the event (1) that the United States, for reasons of its own, shall discontinue or abandon the use of the land for the purpose of a master-track scale and test-car depot, or (2) that the above-described property shall, in the opinion of the Belt Railway Company, of Chicago, become necessary for its own pur- poses, in which event the said Belt Railway Company, of Chicago, shall furnish to the United States of America, Department of Com- merce, i n lieu th ereof, a suitable site els ewhere, t he locati on thereo f to be mutually agreed upon by the said Belt Railway Company, of Chicago, and the Bureau of Standards, Department of Com- merce

and the Belt Railway Company, of Chicago, shall then,

at its own sole cost and expense, erect upon the site so chosen a building and a foundation for the master-track scale equivalent to the maste r-tra ck sc ale and t est-c ar d epot and f ound ation for the said master-track scale erected upon the above-described property, and sh all mo ve to said n ew bui lding and ins tall t herein the m aster- track scale and all machinery appurtenant thereto, and shall deliver or cause to be delivered a deed conveying such land and building in fee simple to the United States of America, Department of Commerce, without cost to the United States, together with evidence of title to said l and satis factory t o the Uni ted State s . Approved, April 19, 1928 . CHAP. 381 .-An Act To credit retired commissioned officers of the Coast Guard with active duty during the World War performed since retirement . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all retired commissioned officers of the Coast Guard who served on active duty in the United States Navy or in the Coast Guard during the World War shall be credited with all active duty performed since retirement during the period from April 6, 1917, to March 3, 1921, in the computation of their longevity pay and pay periods; but no person shall be entitled to receive any back pay or allowances by reason of the enactment of this Act . Approved, April 19, 1928 . Proviso. Cond iti ons . 433 Belt R ailwa y Com- pany to convey site in lieu, and erect, etc ., new building thereon . Deed in fee to be delivered. April 19, 1928 . [H. R. 10540.] [Public, No . 282.] Coast Guard . Retired officers of, serving on active duty during World War, to be credited therefor, in longevity pay . No back pay, etc . CHAP. 382 .-An Act To authorize the granting of leave to veterans of the

April 19, 10 .

[H. R. 7908 . .] Spanish-American War to attend the annual convention of the United Spanish [Public, No . 283 .] War Veterans a nd auxiliary in Havana, Cuba, in 1928 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the heads Spanish War Veter. of the executive departments and independent establishments of ens .