Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/538

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs . 488-490. 1928 .

487 SEc . 7. If such bridge shall at any time be taken over or acquired etc Tolls under state, by the State of Kentucky, or by Henderson County, as provided by section 6 of this Act, and if tolls are thereafter charged for the use thereof, the rates of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund to ation, sinking Ra tes s in ktc. ng fun d, etc . repay for the reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing and operating the bridge and its approaches under economic management and to provide a sinking fund sufficient to amortize the amount paid there- for, including the reasonable interest and financing cost, as soon as osslble under reasonable char es Afte r a sink ing fund suf fici ent Maintenance as free .

bri or such amortization shall have been so provided, such bridge shall c osdge aft er am ortiz ing thereafter be maintained and operated free of tolls .

Rig ht to sell, etc ., SEc . 8. The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage all the conferred . rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Act is hereby granted t o Hend erson- Ohio R iver Bridge Compa ny, i ts suc cessor s and as- signs, and any corporation to which or any person to whom such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or transferred, or who shall acquire the same by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the same as fully as though conferr ed herein dir ectly upon su ch corporation or person . SEc. 9 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ex- pressly reserved . Approved, May 3, 1928 . CHAP. 489.-Joint Resolution To provide for the membership of the United States in the American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood . Re solved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That to enable the United States to become a member of the American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood at Montevideo, Uruguay, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $2,000 per annum for the contribution by the United States toward the support of the institution. Approved, May 3, 1928 . CHAP. 490.-Joint Resolution Requesting the President to extend to the Republics of America an invitation to attend a Conference of Conciliation and Arbitration to be held at Washington during 1928 or 1929 . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he is hereby, requested to extend to the Republics of America an invitation to attend a conference of conciliation and arbitration to be held at Washington during 1928 or 1929, for the purpose of drawing up a convention for the realization of the principle of arbi- tration for the pacific solution of their international differences of a juridical nature which was adopted in the resolution passed at the Sixth International Conference of American States . Sr-,c . 2. That the sum of $60,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the expenses of such conference, including salaries in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, rent, printing and binding, printing of official visit- ing cards, travel and subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act), stenographic and other services by contract if deemed necessary, and such other expenses as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of State by reason of such invitation . Appro ved, M ay 3, 1928 . Amendment . May 3, 1928 . [H.J. Res.230.1 [Pub . Res., No.31 .] American In terna- tional Institute for Pro- tection of Childhood . Annual contribution authorized for member- ship in . Post, pp . 913, 1106. May 3, 1928 . [H. J.Res.262.1 [Pub . Res., No. 32 .] Conference of Concili- ation and Arbitration . Amer ican Repu blic s invited to attend, at Washington. Amount authorized for expenses . Post, p . 912.