Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/699

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648 Surveyor's office . Revision of highway plans . Employees' compen- sation fund . Payment for injuries . Vol . 41, p. 104. Vol . 39, p. 742. Director of Traffic. Personal services . Necessary expenses. Proviso . Not available for street car loading plat- forms, etc . Public Library . For perso nal se rvices in ac cordan ce wit h the C lassif icatio n Act of 1923, $240,035 . For substitutes and other special and temporary service, at the stations re discretion of the librarian, $6,000 : Pro ided, That no mo ney appro priat ed by thi s Act shal l be expe nded in co nduc ting libra ry Conduit Road School stations not now in operation, but this restriction shall not apply subbranch excepted, to the Conduit Road School subbranch . Sunday; etc ., open- ings .

For extra services on Sundays, holidays, and Saturday half Miscellaneous .

holidays, $3,000 . Miscellaneous : For books, periodicals, and newspapers, including payme nt in adva nce for s ubscr ipti ons t o per iodic als, news paper s, subscription books, and society publications, $38,000 : Provided, That the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the librarian of the free Public Library, upon requisition previou sly ap proved by th e audi tor of the Di strict of Co lumbia , sums of money not exceeding $25 at the first of each month, to be expended for the purch ase of certa in boo ks, pa mphlets , numb ers of perio dicals or newspapers, and to be accounted for on itemized vouchers . For binding, including necessary personal services, $14,000 . For maint enance , alte ration s, rep airs, fuel, l ightin g, fit ting u p buildings, lunch-room equipment, care of grounds, purchase, exchange, and m ainte nance of motor deli very vehi cles, and othe r con tinge nt expenses, $29,500 . For rent of suitable quarters for branch library in Chevy Chase, $2,400. Personal services. Substitutes, etc . Proviso . Library stri ction . Proviso . Advances for book purchases, etc . Bin ding . Contingent expenses, Chevy Chase branch, rent . Register of Wills . Pe rsona l ser vices . Contingent expenses. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Cia. 659. 1928 . SURVEYORS 01'1 ICE For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $79,050 . For revision of the highway plan, including the surveying and permanent marking on the ground of the system of highways, $3,000 . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION FUND For carrying out the provisions of section 11 of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved July 11, 1919, extending to the employees of the government of the District of Columbia the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," approved September 7, 1916, $28,000 . OFF ICE OF THE DIRECT OR OF TRAFF IC Fo r pers onal s ervice s in a ccorda nce wi th the Classi ficati on Act of 1923, $29,600 . Fo r purc hase o f traf fic si gnals and ma rkers, painti ng whi te lin es, labor, and such other expenses as may be necessary in the judgment of the commissioners, $45,000 : Provided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this Act or that is now available shall be expended for building, installing, and maintaining street- car loading platforms and lights of any description employed to disti nguis h sam e . FR EE PUBLIC LIBRARY REGIST ER OF W ILLS For perso nal se rvices in ac cordan ce wit h the C lassif icatio n Act of 1923, $67,560 . For miscel laneou s and contin gent e xpenses , tele phone bills, print - ing, typewriters, photostat paper and supplies, towels, towel service,