Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1043

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. C$. 849. 1930. as amended (section 484, title 38, United States Code), to read as follows Spa ni sh- Am eri can " For the

of this section the Spanish-American War shall War period .

purpose s be construed to mean service between April 21, 1898, and July 4, "Veteran" construed: 1902, and the term ` veteran' shall be deemed to include those per- sons retired or otherwise not dishonorably separated from the active list of the Army or Navy ." SEC . 16 . That subdivision (15) of section 202 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 489, title 38, United States Code), be hereby amended to read as follows : Compensation not al- "(15) That any person who is now receiving a gratuity or pension lowed, if other pension, etc ., being received . from the United States under existing law shall not receive com- pensation under this section unless he shall first surrender all claim Provisos . to further payments of such gratuity or pension, except as hereafter Evaluation of disa- provided and in subdivision (7) of section 201 : Provided, That in bility upon surrender of pension . the event of surrender of pension as hereinbefore set forth, any dis- ability i ncurred in the military ser vice of the U nited States, by reason of which said pe nsion would b e payable, sh all be evaluat ed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (4), section 202, and shall be payable as compensation under this Act : Provided further, That such compensation rating shall be combined with any other compensation rating awarded by reason of active service in the World War." SEC . 17. That section 206 of the as amen ded (sec tion 495 , ti tle 38, repealed . SEC . 18 . That section 209 of the as amen ded (sec tion 498 , ti tle 38, rep eale d. SEC . 19 . That section 210 of the as amen ded (sec tion 499 , ti tle 38, amended to read as follows "SEC . 210 . That no compensation shall be payable for any period more than on e year prior to the date o f claim theref or, nor shall incre ased c ompens ation be aw arded to rev ert b ack mo re tha n six months prior to the date of claim therefor : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to permit the payment of compensation under the World War Veterans' Act, as amended, for any period prior to June 7, 1924 . Except in case of fraud participated in by the beneficiary, no reduction in compensation shall be made retroactive ." This section as amended to be effective June 7, 1924 . SEC . 2 0 . That se ction 212 of t he World War Veterans' Act , 1924, as amended ( section 422, title 38, Uni ted States Cod e), be hereby amended by a dding thereto the followin g proviso " Provided further, That an application for compensation under the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended, shall be deemed to be a claim for compensation under this Act, and an application for com- pensation under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be a claim for c ompens ation under all s ubsequ ent a mendme nts to said Act, this proviso to be effective as of June 7, 1924 ."

- SEC . 21 . That a new section be added to Title II of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, to be known as section 214, and to read as follows " SEC . 214 . Where an incompetent veteran receiving disability com- pensation under the pro-visions of this Act disappears, the director, in his discretion, may pay to the dependents of such veteran the amount of compensation provided in section 201 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, for dependents of veterans ." Vol.43,p .621. U.S. C.,p. 1223. Pest, p . 1016 . Compensation r at- ings to be combined . Vol . 43, p. 62 2, re- pea led . Vol.45,p. 967. U. S. C.,p.1223; Supp. IV, p.534. Vol. 43, p. 623, re- pealed . Vol. 44, p . 797. U. S. C.. p . 1224; Supp. IV, p.534. Vol. 43,p. 623, amend- ed. U.S.C.,p . 1224. Bac k payments re- stricted . Proviso. Pay men ts pr ior to June 7, 1927, unauthor- ize d . Reduction in com- pensation no t retro- active, unless fraud . Vo1. 43, p .623, amend- ea . U. S. C.,p.1214; Supp. IV, p.526. New matter . Application for com- pensation, deemed claim . Vol. 44, p. 797. Effective date . Vol .43,p. 615. New matter added . Pay to depe ndents of incompetent veteran who disappears. World War Veterans' Act, 1924, United States Code), be hereby World War Veterans' Act, 1924, United States Code), be hereby World War Veterans' Act, 1924, United States Code), be hereby