Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1075

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . C$s. 19-21 . 1930 . Missi ssipp i, etc ., Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries

For prosecuting

Rivers . Flood control work, the work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Vol.45,p. 534. Ante, p . 787.

Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., SupIIII title Post, pp .,1 39, 1086 . 3 3, se c . 702 a), $3,000, 000, to rema in availabl e until exp ended . p. 475.

SE C. 2 . The sums herein appropriated shall be available inter- prIntirtions eable ap- changeably for expenditure on the objects named in this Act upon order of the President stating the amounts and the appropriations between which such interchanges are to be made . C Dee d report to SEC . 3 . A report shall be submitted to Congress on the first day of the next regular session showing, by projects or other appropriate detailed classification, the amounts allocated under each of the fore- going appropriations, the expenditures under each allocation, and such other information which the President may deem pertinent in advising Congress as to the allocation and expenditure of such appropriations . Approved, December 20, 1930 . Decem ber 2 0, 193 0. [H.J. Res. 444.1 [Pub . Res ., No. 111.1 House of Representa- tives . Deficiency appropri- ation for expenses of special and select com- mittees of. December 20, 1930 . [S. J. Res. 211.]

CHAP . 21 .-Joint Res ol uti on For the relief of far mers in the d rou ght [Pub . Res., No. 112.] and/or storm stricken areas of the United States . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United D rou ght and storm States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agri- s tricken areas . Advances to farmers culture is hereby authorized, for the crop of 1931, to make advances or in, to purchase seed, stock feed, fuel for farm loans to farmers in the drought and/or storm stricken or hail stricken t racto rs, et c.

areas of the United States, where he shall find that an emergency Post, pp . 1039, 1160, 1167, 1276 y

for such assistance exists, for the purchase of seed of suitable crops, Emergseed, etc ., for fe of crop rtilizer, feed for work stock and/or fuel and oil for tractors used sale to farmers . for crop production, and when necessary to procure such seed, fer- tilizer, f eed, and fu el and oil, and for suc h other pur poses incid ent to crop production as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture, and sell the same to such farmers . Such advances, loans, or sales shall be made upon such terms and conditions and subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe, including an agreement by each farmer to use the seed, fertilizer, feed for work stock, fuel and oil thus obtained by him for crop production . A first lien on all crops growing or to be planted and grown during the year 1931 shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be deemed sufficient security for such loan, advance, or sale . All such loans, advances, and sales shall be made through such agencies as the Secretary of Agriculture may designate, and in such amounts as such agencies, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, may determine . For carrying out the purposes of this resolution, includ- ing all expenses and charges incurred in so doing, there is hereby autho rized to be appr opriat ed, o ut of any m oney in the Trea sury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $45,000,000 : Provided, That loans shall be available for summer fallowing in 1931 . SEC. 2 . Any person who shall knowingly make any material false representation for the purpose of obtaining an advance, loan, or sale, Conditions requisite . Lien on crop of 1931 d eemed secur ity . Agencies to be desig . nated . tborized. Appropriation Proviso . Availability. an- Punishment for false state ments to obtain l oans, etc . CHAP . 20. Joint Resolution Making an appropriation to supply a defi- ciency in the appropriation for the fiscal year 1931 for expenses of special and select committees of the House of Representatives . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the sum of $45,000 is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year 1931 for expenses of special and select committees authorized by the House of Represen- tatives . Approved, December 20, 1930 . d