Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1092

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . CHs. 72-74. 1931 .

1049 the Postal Service, readjusting their salaries and compensation on an equitable basis, increasing postal rates to provide for such read- j ustment, and for other purposes," approved February 28, 1925 t- s. C., p. 1251, (43 Stat. 1069; U. S. C., title 39, sec. 245), is amended to read as amended. fol lo ws " SEC . 211 . (a) The fee for insurance shall be 5 cents for indemni- Insured mail . fication not to exceed $5; 8 cents for indemnification not to exceed $25; 10 cents for indemnification not to exceed $50; and 25 cents for ind emnifi cation not t o exce ed $10 0 . Whenever the sender of an Return receipts for, requested after mailing, insured article of mail matter shall so request, and upon payment of added . a fee of 3 cents at the time of mailing, or of 5 cents subsequent to the time of mailing, a receipt shall be obtained for such insured mail matter, showing to whom and when the sam e was delivered, which receipt shall be returned to the sender, and be received in the courts as prima facie evidence of such delivery : Provide d further, That Pro vis o- Address ix Pro vis o- Address of delivery upon pa yment of the addit ional sum of 20 cen ts at the ti me of mail- furnished, on payment ing by th e sender of an ins ured arti cle of ma il matter, a recei pt shall of additional fee . be obtained for such insured mail matter, showing to whom, when, and the address where the same was delivered, which receipt shall be dee mitted as ev i- returned to the sender, and be received in the courts as prima facie evidenc e of s uch de livery ." Approved, January 31, 1931 . CHAP. 73 .-An Act To aut hori ze the Pos tmas ter G enera l to imp [H .R .

88 31, ry

1931. 06 .] on steamship and aircraft carriers transporting the mails beyond the borders of [Public, No. 586 .] the United States for unreasonable and unnecessary delays and for other delin- quencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled, That section 4010 contracts, For eign, Mai l Service f

racts etc . of the Revised Statutes (United States Code, title 39, section 655) is 774 amended, 4010, p . hereby amended to read as follows :

U. S. C., p . 1274, " The Postmaster General may impose or remit fines on contractors am ol. 45, p. 695. or carri ers tr anspor ting t he mai ls by air or water on rou tes ex tend- Fine of contractor, etc ., air or water routes, ing bey ond th e bord ers of the U nited States for an y unre asonab le or for 'delay, etc ., author- unnecessary delay to such mails and for other delinquencies in the toed. transportation of the mails ." Approved, January 31, 1931 . January 21, 1931 . CHAP. 74.-An Act To authorize funds for the construction of a building at [H . R . 4501 .1 F ort Sam Houston .

[Pub lic, No . 587 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That not to exceed TQ Fort Sam Houston, $5,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $587 975 s um au thor ized for >

> housing radio transmit- appropriated for the new flying school and flying field at San ter equipment . Antonio, Texas, in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928, in accordance with the authority contained in the Act approved February 18, 1928, is hereby authorized to be Fund available. made available for the construction of a building on the Fort Sam v0' .45, p. ]zs. Houston Military Reservation, Texas, for housing radio transmitter equipment . App roved, Ja nuary 31, 1931 .