Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1157

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1114 Licenses and p er- mits. Issuance of, modified . Vol. 43, p. 745, amended . A pplic ation . Fees. Disposal of seized articles. Proviso . Au thori ty con ferre d . Proceeds of sale . Penalties . Vol. 43, p. 747, amended. Ante, p. 1113 . For feiture of license privileges . Second, etc ., offenses . Co oper ati ve st ores included. Proviso. Imposition on first, etc ., offenders . Administrative pro- visions . Vo l, 43, p. 74 7, amended. Oaths, etc . SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 185 . 1931 . SEC . 11 . That, effective July 1, 1931, Subdivision I of section 11 of said Act is amended to read as follows "SUBDIVISION I. FEES AND APPLICAT IONS FO R, AND ISSUANCE OF LICENSES AND PE R MI TS .-Licenses and resident export perm its shall be issued by the commission through its members, game wardens, and other persons authorized by it in writing to sell licenses . Resi- dent export licenses and permits may also be issued by customs officers . Application blanks for licenses and permits shall be fur- nished by the commission and shall be in such form as the commis- sion may by regulation determine . Each application shall be sub- scribed and sworn to by the applicant before an officer authorized to administer oaths in the Territory . Members of the commission and its game wardens and other persons authorized in writing by it to issue licenses, and postmasters and customs officers, are hereby authorized to administer such oaths . T he a ppl ican t f or a li cens e or resident export permit shall accompany his application with a license or permit fee as follows : Nonresident general hunting and trapping license, $50 ; nonresident small-game hunting license, $10 ; resident export and return license, $1 for each trophy ; resident export permit, if removing residence, $1 for each animal, $1 for each bird, if otherwise, $5 for each animal, $1 for each bird ; regis- tered guide license, $10 ; alien special license, $100 ; and fur-farm license, $2 ." SEC. 12 . Section 13 of sa id Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following : " Provided, That no action in rem shall be required with respect to any wild animal or bird, or part thereof, or any gun, net, trap, or other device possessed or used in or in aid of a violation of this Act and legally seized when the claimant thereof releases such article or articles to the United States by a voluntary relea se in writi ng wi tnesse d by two d isinte reste d part ies, in wh ich case such articles shall be disposed of by the commission and if sold the proceeds shall be disposed of as provided in this section ." SEC . 13 . Section 15 of said Act is amended by striking out all the words between the semicolons in lines 7 and 10 thereof and by insert- ing in lieu thereof the following : " and, in addition thereto, any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this Act who is the holder of any form of license issued thereunder shall thereupon forfeit said license and shall surrender it upon demand of any person authorized by the commission to receive it, and upon a second con- viction he shall not be entitled to, nor shall he be granted, a license of such form for a period of one year from date of such forfeiture, and upon a third or successive conviction, for a period of five years from the date of such forfeiture ; and any cooperative store operated exclusively by and for native Indians, Eskimos, or half-breeds, or any store operated by missions exclusively for native Indians, Eski- mos, or half-breeds, without a license as provided in this Act, upon a secon d or third convi ction for v iolat ion o f this Act, shall not be entitled to engage in the business of dealing in furs for such time as the court before w hom such conviction is had may decide : Pro- v ided, That such prohibition shall not be imposed for the first conviction, nor for a period in excess of one year from date of the second conviction, nor for a period in excess of five years from date of the third or any subsequent conviction ." SEC. 14 . Section 16 of said Act is amended to read as follows " SEC . 16. ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS FOR PURPOSES OF PROSECU- TI ON-COOR DINATIO N OF FIS CAL BUSINESS .-That such officers, agents, or employees of the Secretary of Agriculture or the Alaska Game Commission as may be designated in writing by said Secretary or commission for the purpose are hereby authorized and empowered to administer to or take from any person, an oath, affirmation, or