Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/121

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SEV ENTY-FIR ST CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHs. 65-68 . 1930 . Right to sell, etc., c onfe rred . Amendment. Mareh 3, 1930.

[s .32 97 .] CHAP. 66.-An Act To ext end th e times for c ommenci ng and comple ting [Public, No. 63 .1 the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River approximately mi dway between the cities of Owensboro, Kentucky, and Rockport, Indiana . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the O hio River .d ed

Unite d Sta tes o f A meric a in Congr ess assem bled, That the times for Timeeaten

for bridging, between commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the R ckport,, eind y" and O hio River approximately midway bet ween the cities of Owen sbo ro, am ended 5' p. 1322, Kentucky, and Rockport, Indiana, authorized to be buil t by E.T. Post, p.1195. Franks, his heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, by an Act of Co ngress approved Fe bruary 26, 1929, ar e hereby extended o ne and three years, respectively, from February 26, 1930 . SEc. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal th is Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approve d, March 3, 1930 . Amendment . March 3, 1930.

[s .3405 .1 CHAP. 67 .-An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing [Public, No . 64.]

the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Decatur, Nebraska . Missouri River . Tim e ext ended for bridging, at Decatur, Nebr. Post, p . 551. Vol . 45, pp. 392, 1526, amended. Amendment . March 3, 1930. [S.J .Res .117 .] [Pub. Res., No.47.] St orm, flo od, or drought stricken areas of designated States . Advances to farmers in, to p urc hase se ed, stock feed, etc . said canal, and the right to occupy so much of said lands as may be necessary for the piers, abutments, and other portions of the bridge and approaches . SEC. 2 . The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage all the rig hts, pow ers, and pr ivil eges con ferr ed by this Act is hereby gr ant ed to the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steam- ship Company, its successors and assigns, and any cor pora tion to which such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or transferred, or which shall acquire Lie same by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized to exercise the same as fully as though conferred herein directly upon such corporation . SEc . 3. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, March 3, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River, at or near Decatur, Nebraska, authorized to be b uilt by th e Int ersta te B ridge Comp any, its s ucce ssors and assig ns, by Act of Congress approved March 29, 1928, heretofore extended by Act of Congress approved March 2, 19 29, are hereby fur ther extended one and three years, respectively, from March 29, 1930 . SEc. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved , March 3, 1930 . CHAP. 68.-Joint Resolution For the relief of farmers in the storm, flood, an d/or drough t stricken areas of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, So uth Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, North Da kota, Montana , New Mexico, and M issouri . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, for the crop of 1930, to make advances or loans to farmers in the storm, flood, and/or drought stricken areas of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Indiana, Illinois, Mi nnes ota,