Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/132

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . CHs . 88-90 . 1930.

89 the courses in the various departments of instruction, and that said Edmundo Valdez Murillo shall not be admitted to the Academy until he shall have passed the mental and physical examinations prescribed for candidates from the United States, and that he shall be immediately withdrawn if deficient in studies or in conduct and so recommended by the Academic Board : A nd pro vid ed fu rth er, T h a t in the cas e of said Edm undo Valdez Mu rillo the pro visions of sec - tions 1320 and 1321 of the Revised Statutes shall be suspended . Approved, March 24, 1930 . Oa th and ser vice waived . R.5.,sees.1320, 1321, p.227. U.S.a., p . 210. CHAP. 89 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive for

March 24,193 0. instruction at the United States Military Academy at We st Po int two citizens

(Pub . Res., No.55.] of Honduras, na mel y, Vi ce nte Mejia and Antonio Inestroza . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Aniono Inestruza of War be, and he hereby is, authorized to permit Vicente Mejia and Hondu ras citiz ens . May be admitted to Antonio Inestroza to receive instruction at the United States Mili- Military Academy . tary Academy at West Point : Provided, That no expense shall be No ism. Government ex. caused to th e United Stat es thereby, a nd that these Honduran sub- pence ° ject s sh all agre e to com ply with all reg ulat ions for the pol ice and cond ition s . discipline of the academy, to be studious, and to give their utmost efforts to accomplish the courses in the various departments of inst ruct ion, and tha t th ese Hond uran sub ject s sh all not be a dmit ted to the academy until they shall have passed the mental and physical examinations prescribed for candidates from the United States, and that they shall be immediately withdrawn if deficient in studies or in conduct and so recommended by the academic board : And pro- waO ivt hh and service vided further, That in the case of said Vicente Mejia and Antonio R . s ., sees . 1320,1321, Inestroza the provisions of sections 132 0 and 1321 of the Revised P- - Statutes

s. C.,p. 210. Statutes shall be suspended . A pprove d, Mar ch 24, 1930 . CHAP. 90 .-J oint Resol ution Auth orizi ng th e Sec retar y of War t o rec eive, for [[s Mar ch 24, 1930 . instr uctio n at t he Un ited State s Mil itary Academy at West Point, Godofredo [Pub . Res., No.56 .1 Arrieta A ., junior, a citizen of Salvador. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War jr .a0 at~nofs'jivar, be, and he hereby is, authorized to permit Godofredo Arrieta A ., May be admitted to junior, to receive instruction at the United States Military Academy Milit ary Acad emy . at West Point : Provided, That no expense shall be caused to the N •aooernment ex- United States thereby, and that Godofred o Arrieta A . , j un io r, s ha ll p ense . agree to comply with all regulations for the police and discipline of condi tion s . the academy, to be studious, and to give his utmost efforts to accom- plish the courses in the various departments of instruction, and that said Godofredo Arrieta A ., junior, shall not be admitted to the academy until he shall have passed the mental and physical exami- nations prescribed for candidates from the United States, and that he shall be immediately withdrawn if deficient in studies or in conduct and so recommended by the Academic Board

Provided further, oa th and ser vice waived . That in the case of said Godofredo Arrieta A ., junior, the provisions R.8 ., sees. 1320 , 132 1, of sections 1320 and 1321 of the Revised Statutes shall be suspended . P-- U, 2 , C.,p . 210 . Approved, March 24, 1930 .