Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1361

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 280 . 1931 . Inte rnati onal

Re. search Council . Spec ified quo tas . To pay the annual share of the United States, as an adhering mem- ber of the International Research Council and of the associated unions organized at Brussels, July 18-28, 1919, as follows : Inter- national Research Council, $77 .20; International Astronomical Union, $694 .80; International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, $677; International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, $1,389 .60; International Union of Mathematics, $38 .60; International Union of Scientific Radiotelegraphy, $154 .40; International Union of Pure and Applie d Physics, $6 4; I nternational Geographical Union, $194 . 8 0; in all, $3,290 .40, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State . INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC BUREAU International Hydro- For the annual contribution of the United States toward the main- graphic Bureau.

tenance of the International Hydrographic Bureau, $5,790 . F OREIGN HOSPIT AL AT CAPE TOW N Ca ome Town, S `ul For annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hos- Afr ica . pital (a foreign hos pital), at Ca pe Town, $50, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital . Intern ation al Tr ade. Mark Registration Bu- reau . Share of expe nses . Vol. 39, p. 1680; Vol . 41, p. 533. I ndus tria l Bureau . GENERAL AND SPECIAL CLAIMS COMMISSIONS, UNI '- ED STATES AND MEXICO M exi can m Mixed Claims Commission .

For the expenses of the settlement and adjustment of claims by the Vol. 43, pp. 1722,1730. Citizens of each country against the other under a convention con- cluded September 8,1923, and of citizens of the United States against Mexico under a convention concluded September 10, 1923, between the United States and Mexico, including the expenses which, under the terms of th e two conven tions, are charg eable in pa rt to the Un ited States, the expenses of the two commissions, and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary services in con- nection with the preparation of the claims and the presenting thereof befo re the said commi ssions, as well a s def ending the United State s in cases presented under the general convention by Mexico, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other assistants and Agency expenses. INTE RNAT IONAL RES EARCH COU NCIL INI NATIONAL TRADE-MARK REGISTRATION BUREAU, QUOTA OF UNITED STATES For the annual share of the United States for the expenses of the maintenance of the International Trade-Mark Registration Bureau at H abana, incl uding salar ies of the direct or an d coun selor, assi stant dire ctor and co unsel or, cl erks, trans lators, sec retary to t he dir ector, stenographers and typewriters, messenger, watchmen, and laborers, rent of quarters, stationery and supplies, including the purchase of books, po stage, travel ing expenses, and the cos t of printing the bulletin, $4,961 . INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE UNION FOR THE PROTECTION OF IN DUST RIAL PRO PER TY Property For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, at Berne, Switzerland, $1,700 .