Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1364

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1321 Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) w

Minor aacep r gases shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered payable from R . S., sec. 3709, p. the foregoing appropriations when the aggregate amount involved 73 U. S. C., p. 1309. does not exceed $100 or when the purchase or service relates to the packing of personal and household effects of Diplomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers and clerks for foreign shipment . No portion of the sums appropriated in Title I of this Act, shall, United restriction in unless expressly authorized, be expended for rent in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States . Wherever the Secretary of State, in his discretion, procures infor- Expense of securing information for corpo- mation on behalf of corporations, firms, and individuals, the expense rations, ete . o f cabl egram s and telep hone servic e inv olved may b e cha rged a gains t the respective appropriations for the service utilized and reimburse- ment therefor shall be required from those for whom the information was procured, and, when made, be credited to the appropriation under which the expenditure was charged . TITLE I I .- DEPARTM ENT OF JUSTIC E OFFI CE OF THE ATT ORNE Y GE NERA L Attorney Gen era l, Salari es : For Attorney General, $15,000 ; Solicitor General, Solicitor General, As- $10,000 ; Assistant to the Attorney General, $9,000 ; and other personal General, etc . Attorney services in the District of Columbia, including the Solicitors of the Solicitors, and office State, Treasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments, and the office peAate, p . 1214 . forces of the Solicitors of the Treasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments, $1,248,120 ; in all, $1,282,120 . For the purchase of law books, books of reference, and periodicals, Law books, etc . in cluding th e exchang e thereof, for the Department of Justice, Proviso. $9,000 : Provided, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid Price limit for United f or the cu rrent and future vo lumes of t he United States Code, States Cod e, An ne- Annotated . CONTI NGEN T EX PENS ES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE For stationery, furniture and repairs, floor coverings not exceed- Department contin- ing $1,500, file holders and cases ; miscellaneous expenditures, includ- gent expenses . in g telegraphing and telephones, postage, labor, typewriters and adding machines and the exchange thereof and repairs thereto, street- car fares not exceeding $300, newspapers, press clippings, and other necessaries ordered by the Attorney General ; official transportation, in cluding the repair, maintenance, and operation of three motor- driven passenger cars, delivery truck, and motor cycle, to be used on ly for official purposes, and purchase and repair of bicyc les, $90,000 . For rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of Rent, D. C. Columbia, $122,000, if space can not be assigned by the Public Build- ings Commission in buildings under the control of that commission . For printing and binding for the Department of Justice and the . Printing and bind- ing s courts of the United States, $310,000 . For traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, Tr ave l, miseellane- b


on,, etc ., expenses . authorized and approved by the Attorney General, to be expended at his discretion, $25,000 . MIS CELL ANE OUS OBJ ECTS , DE PAR TIIF NT OF JUSTICE Cond uct of cu stoms case s : Assistant Attorney General, special attorneys and counselors at law in the conduct of customs cases, to be employed and their compensation fixed by the Attorney General ; necessary clerical assistance and other employees at the seat of gov- ernment and elsewhere, to be employed and their compensation fixed Dep art ment of Jus - tice . Miscellaneous . Conduct of customs eases. Assistant Attorney Ge neral, speci al att or- neys, etc .