Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1401

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SEV ENT Y-F IRST C ONGRESS . SEss. III. CH.281. 1931. $546,839 may be expended for personal services in the District of Colu mbia . Printing and bind- For all printing and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, Efficiency Bureau . Chief, and office per- sonnet, For chief of b ureau and other pers onal servi ces in the District o f Columbia ; contract stenographic reporting services ; contingent expenses, including traveling expenses ; supplies, stationery ; pur- chase and exchange of equipment ; not to exceed $100 for law books, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals ; and not to exceed $150 for street-car fare ; in all, $199,770, of which amount not to exceed $193,720 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For all printi ng and bin ding for t he Bureau of Efficien cy, $500 . Total, Bureau of Efficiency, $200,270 . Service s in the Dis- trict . Printing and bind- ing. Civil Service Co m- missi on. Commissioners, and office personnel . Field force . Details from depart- ments, etc ., fn the Dis- trict forbidden . Interchangeable as- signments. Emergency transfers of off ice or field force . Expert examiners . Examination of presi- dential postmasters . Traveling expenses, etc. Contingent expenses. $45,000 . Total, Board of Tax Appeals, $653,640 . B UREAU OF EF FICIENCY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Salaries'; For three commissioners and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $863,370 . Field force : For salaries of the field force, $557,540 . No details from a ny exe cutive departm ent or indepen dent es tab- lishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the commission's central office in Washington or to any of its district offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 ; but this shall not affect th e making o f details f or service as member s of the b oards of e xaminers o utside the immediate offices o f the dist rict secre taries . The Civil Service Commission shall have power in case of emergency t o transfer or detail any of it s employee s herein p rovided fo r to or from its office or field force . For employment of expert examiners not in the Federal service to prepare questions and rate papers in examinations on special subjects for which examiners within the service are not available, $2,000 . For examina tion of presid ential postma sters, includi ng trav el, stationery, contingent expenses, additional examiners, and investi- g ators, and ot her nec essary expense s of ex aminati ons, . $ 27 ,8 40 , of which amount not to exceed $23,840 may be expended for personal s ervices in the Distr ict of Col umbia . For necessary traveling expenses, including those of examiners acting under the direction of the commission, and for expenses of examinations and investigations held elsewhere than at Washington and in cluding not ex ceeding $1,000 for ex penses of atte ndance at meetings of public officials when specifically directed by the commission, $85,000. For conting ent and miscel laneou s expen ses of the Civ il Serv ice Commission, including furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto ; supplies ; advertising ; telegraph, telephone, and laundry service ; freight and express charges ; street-car fares not to exceed $300 ; stationery ; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, directories, payment in advance for subscriptions to news- papers and periodicals, not to exceed $1,000 ; charts ; purchase, e xchange, m aintenance , and repa ir of moto r trucks, motor cycl es, and bicycles ; maintenance and repair of a motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes ; garage rent ; postage stamps to prepay postage on matter addressed to Postal