Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1422

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 282. 1931 . For the purchase and exchange of one nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicle, $530, to be immediately available . For purchase of one heavy motor truck and equipping same for use in te sting hea vy capaci ty scales , $6,000 . T he un expen ded balan ce of the appr opria tion of $ 10,00 0 for the construction at Eastern and Western Markets of suitable sheds and facilities for the use of farmers retailing farm produce, contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, is con tinued avail able f or the same p urpose s duri ng the fisca l year 1932 . HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT For personal services, $220,830 . SEW ER DEPARTMENT For personal services, $198,620 . TREES AND PARKING DEPARTMENT Fo r pers onal s ervice s, $28 ,480 . OFFICE OF CHIEF CLERK, ENGINEER DEPARTME NT Fo r pers onal s ervice s, $29 ,980 . CENTRAL GARAGE For personal services, $5,340 . MUNICIPAL ARCHITECT'S Otl CE For personal services, $76,120 . All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the munici- pal architect in payment for the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, clerks, copyists, and inspectors, employed on construction work provided for by said appropriations , shall be based on an amount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,00 0,000 of a ppro priat ions made for such const ruct ion p rojec ts and not exceeding 21 per centum of a total of the appropriations in excess of $2,00 0,000 . For altering and extending the repair shop, for the purchase of ad ditio nal e quip ment, and for the p urcha se an d/or exch ange at not exceeding $8,400 of one five-ton, two one and one-half ton and three one-ton trucks, $33,900 . PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION For two commissioners at $7,500 each ; people's counsel, $7,500 ; and for other personal services ; in all, $101,440, of which amount not to exceed $5,000 may be used for the employment of expert services by contr act or other wise a nd wit hout r eferenc e to t he Cla ssific ation Act of 1923, as amended . For incidental and all other general necessary expenses authorized by law, includ ing th e purc hase o f news papers, $1,95 0 . BOARD OF EXAMINERS, STEAM ENGINEERS Salaries : Three members, at $150 each, $450 . 1379 Eastern and Western Markets, sheds, etc . Balance available . Ante, p. 952. Highways dep ar t- ment . Sewer department . Trees and parking departm ent . Engineer depart- ment. Chief clerk's office . Central garage. Municipal

Archi - tect's office . Personal services . Limit for servi ces o f draftsmen, etc. Rasis of apportion- ment . Repair shop, im- provements, etc . Motor trucks . Public Utilities Com- mission . Commissioners, people's counsel, etc . Employment of ex- perts . Incidental expenses . Examiners, st eam engineers .