Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1530

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cns. 400, 401. 1931 .

1487 CHAP. 400.-An Act To provide books for the adult blind . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Co ngress assemble d, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually to the Library of Congress, in addition to appropriations otherwise made to said Library, the sum of $100,000, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Librarian of Congress to provide books for the use of the adult blind residents of the United States, including the several States, Territories, insular possessions, and the District of Columbia . SEC . 2 . The Libra rian of Con gress may arrang e wit h suc h libr aries as he may judge appropriate to serve as local or regional centers for the circulation of such books, under such conditions and regulations as he may prescribe . In the lending of such books preference shall at all times be given to the needs of blind persons who have been h onorably discharged from the United St ates milit ary or na val service . Approved, March 3, 1931 . March 3, 1931 .

[S . 403 0.1 [Public, No. 787 .] Library of Congress . Appropriation annu. ally for books for adult blind authorized . Post, p . 1628. Arrangement for cir- cul ation of bo oks . Preference to honor . ably discharged vet- erans . CHAP . 401 .-An Act Authorizing the Pillager Bands of Chi

March 3, 1931 . g

ppewa Indians,

[S. 4051 .1 re siding in the State of Minn esota, to subm it clai ms to the Cou rt of C laims .

[Public, No .788.] Be it en act ed by the Senate and Hou se of Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Th at ju risdic tion is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment, on principles of justice and equity and as upon a full and fair arbitration, on the claims of the Pillager Bands of C hippewa I ndians in the State of Minnes ota agains t the Uni ted States for the value of any unceded lands or arising under the treaty of August 21, 1847 (9 Stat . 908), or under any treaty, agree- ment, or Act of Congress subsequent thereto, except the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat . 642), with the right of appeal by either party to the Supreme Court of the United States, for the determina- tion of the amount, if any, which may be legally or equitably due the said Pillager Ban ds of Indians, or any of them, separately or c1 lager jointly with other Chippewa Indians, under any treaties, agreements, or Acts of C ongress, or under a ny stipul ations or agreements , whether written or oral, entered into between said Indians and the United States, or its authorized representatives, or for the failure of the Unite d States to pay any money wh ich may be legally o r equitably due the said Pillager Bands of Indians . SEC . 2 . In any suit or suits instituted hereunder the Court of Claims shall have authority to determine and adjudge the rights, both legal and equitable, of the claimants in the premises, notwith- standing lapse of time or statutes of limitation . SEC . 3 . The court shall also hear, examine, consider and adjudi- cate any claim or claims which the United States may have against Pr ior pa yme nts the said Pillager Bands, properly chargeable in such suits ; but any pleaded in set-off . pa yment or p ayments w hich have been made by the Un ited State s upon such claim or claims shall not operate as an estoppel but may be pleaded by way of set-off, and the United States shall be allowed to plead and shall be given credit for all sums, including gratuities, paid to or expended for the benefit of Indians . And any other tribe ties. inder of other par or band of Indians which the court may deem necessary to a final determination of any suit hereunder may be joined therein as the court shall order . Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. Submission of claims of, to Court of Claims. Vol.9,p.908. Vol .25,p . 642. Right of appeal . Band s Authority of court . Counter claims . Credits.