Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1563

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III . CHs. 498, 499 . 1931 . March 4,1931 .

CHAP . 498 .-An Act To authorize an additional appropriation of $7,500 [ S .5455 1 for the compl etion of the acquisition of land in t he vicinity of and for u se as a [Public, No . 845 .] target range in conn ection with Fort Eth an Allen, Vermont . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Army .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That a sum not to Sum a utho rize d for acqui ring land for tar- exceed $7,500 is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the com- 1 ortE than All en, Vt e pletion of the acquisition of land in the vicinity of and for use as a target range at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to complete the acquisition of said land . Approved March 4, 1931 . March 4, 1931 . [S . 5524 .1 CHAP . 499 .-An Act To coordinate the agricultural experiment-station work [Public, No. 846.1 and to extend the benefits of certain Acts of Congress to the Territory of Porto Rico . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Porto Ric o .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That beginning Agricultural experi- ment stations in .

with the fis cal year endi ng June 30, 1 933, the Terri tory of Porto Rico shall be entitled to share in the benefits of the Act entitled Vol .12, p. 503.

"An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provi- Vol. 24, p . 440. sions of an Act approved July 2, 1862, and of the Acts supple- mentary thereto," approved March 2, 1887, as amended and supple- mented, and of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for cooperative agri cult ural ext ensi on w ork betw een the agri cult ural col lege s in the seve ral Stat es r ecei ving the ben efit s of an Act of C ongr ess appr oved July 2, 1862, and of Acts supplementary thereto, and the United Vol .38,p . 372.

States Department of Agriculture," approved May 8, 1914, and of connection . Acts supplementary thereto : Provided, That the experiment station and eo• o perat ion with othe r so established shall be connected with the College of Agriculture of mstitntions. the University of Porto Rico and it shall be conducted jointly and in collaboration with the existing Federal experiment station in Porto Rico in enlarging and expanding the work of the said Federal station on cooperative plans approved by the Secretary of Agri- culture; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall coordinate the work of the Territorial stations with that of the Federal station and of the United States Department of Agriculture in the island : Provided Experiment stations further That the several experiment stations now conducted b the of insular government

y to be transferred . insular government shall be transferred to and coordinated with the experiment station of the College of Agriculture of the Univer- sity of Porto Rico, together with whatever funds that are available for the suppor t of the same, and the Sec retary of Agri culture may at his discret ion transfer such land, bu ildings, and e quipment as he may deem ne cessary to th e experiment station of the College of etc ., Additional b b s, Agricu lture of the Univ ersity of Po rto Ri co : Pr ovi ded fu rth er, That the Territory of Porto Rico shall make provision for such additional buildings and permanent equipment as may be necessary for the development of the work . thorpizedPriations au- SEC . 2 . To carry into effect the above provisions for extending to Porto Rico the benefits of the Act of March 2, 1887, and supple- mentary Acts in the order and amounts designated by these Acts, the following sums are hereby authorized to be appropriated in 1 945 . years 19 34 to addition to the amounts appropriated to the Department of Agri- culture for use in Porto Rico : $15,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933; $20,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934; $25,000 for th e fisca l year ending June 3 0, 193 5

$3 0,000 for the fiscal

year ending June 30, 1936; $35,000 for the fiscal year end' In June 30, 1937; $40,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938; 45,000