Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1618

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cia. 522 . 1931 .

1575 Support of United States prisoners : For support of United States prisoners, including the same objects specified under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fo llowing fisca l years For 1929, $23,828 .55 ;

Rent, care, etc ., of For 1931, including rent, repair, alteration, and maintenance of buildings . buildings occupied under authority of the Act of May 14, 19 30 Ante, p . 325. (46 Stat ., p . 325), $1,000,000 . DEP ART MEN T OF LAB OR

bo Department of La Bureau of Labor Sta- BUR EAU OF LABOR STATIST ICS

tistics . Salarie s : For an additional am ount for perso nal services in the salaries` Distri ct of C olumbi a, fisc al year 1931, $18,54 0 . Miscellaneous expenses : For an additional amount for traveling expenses of special agents and employees, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- priations for the Department of Labor for the fiscal year 193 1, $19,350.

Additional, for ex- Salaries and expenses : For an additional amount for salaries and penses, etc . expenses, including the same objects and purposes specified und er this head in the Act maki ng appropriat ions for the D epartment of Labor for the fiscal year 1932 and including not to exceed $105,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $140,000, df which $40,000 shall be immediately available . Support of prisoners . UNITED STATES E3IPLOY3IENT SERVICE To carry out the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes," if said Act becomes law, all unexpended appro- priations available at the time of the enactment thereof for expendi- ture by the Employment Service of the Department of Labor, shall be available for expenditure by the United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the said United States Employment Service had been directly named in the laws making such appropriations ; and in addi tion to such sum s, t here is here by a ppro pria ted for expe ndit ure by such United States Employment Service for such purposes, a sum, which tog ether with th e sums herein before mention ed in this paragraph, shall not exceed $1,500,000, all of which shall be avail- able immediately after said Act becomes law : Provided, That if the Act herein referred to does not become a law at the present session of Congress, then there is hereby appropriated for the Employment Service, Department of Labor, fiscal year 1932, the sum of $500,000, to be immediately available, for the same objects and p urpo ses spec ifie d un der this hea d in the Act mak ing appr opri atio ns for the Department of Labor for such fiscal year, and of such sum not to exceed $17,650 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia . NAVY DEPARTMENT - SECRET ARY'S OFFIC E Claims for damages by collision with naval vessels

To pay claims

for damages ad justed and de termined by t he Secretary o f the Navy under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act Contingent expenses, Employment Serv- ice . Cooperative national employment system . Fun ds ava ila ble if pending Act becomes la w. Ante, p . 1354. Additional, immedi- ately available . Proviso . Su m otherwi se ap- propriated . Ante, p . 1354. Navy Department . Secretary's Office . Colli sion damage claims .