Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1717

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INDEX. xlv Commeree, Department of-Continued. Pale Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Lighthouses, Bureau oL ________ 101,1564 Damage claims, payment oL ___ 101,873 Public works, Chelsea, Mass______ 873 Repairs due to storm and ice dam-' ages_______________________ 873 Retired pay _________________ 873,1565 Mines, Bureau oL ____ .. ___ __ __ __ 101, 1614 EC'Jnomics of mineral industries 1077,1614 Helium production, etc___________ 101 Investigations__________ __ _____ __ 1614 Navigation, Bureau oL ________ 100,1614 Admeasurement of vessels________ 1614 Load lines on American vessels, expenses enforcing use oL ____ 101 Navigation laws, enforcemenk___ 1614 Transport&tion ______________ 1078,1081 PatentOffice__________________ 101,1565 Photolithographing_ _________ 874, 1566 Printing and binding____________ 100,1564 Secretary, Office of the ___ 1564,1613,1614 Wireless communication law en- forcement _______________ 872, 1613 Standards, Bureau oL __________ 873,1614 Hydraulic laboratory construction, etc________________________ 873 Industrial research______________ 1614 Land, purchase of additional______ 873 Radio research investigations_ ____ 1564 Standardization of equipmenL____ 1614 Steamboat Inspection Service____ 100, 1613 Wapato irrigation project, Yakima Reservation, Wash., fish ladder construction in cooperation with Interior Department___________ 876 Amelia Lighthouse Reservation, Fer- nandina, Fla., disposal of portion, authorized______________________ 1485 Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration, member of, on commission to report on Government's partic- ipation________________________ _ 790 Crime statistics to be collected and published by Bureau of the Census_ 1517 Dodge City, Kans., land at, trans- ferred to, for building site________ 368 Employment Stabilization Act, con- struction under_________________ 1085 Foreign Commerce Service, officers of, may be furnished heat, light, and quarters___________ __ __ __ __ ____ _ 163 Lighthouse Service, disposition and acquisition of properties by, author- ized___________________________ 782 National hydraulic laboratory estab- lished in Bureau of Standards_____ 327 Pay and allowances, employees on vessels____ _____________________ 1421 Commeree, Department of-Continued. Pale Reallocation increases, appropriation transfers allowed tomeet ______ 218,1354 Standards, Bureau of, additional land purchase for____ _______ __ _______ 799 Appropriation authorized for radio research_____ ___________ ____ ____ 1196 Tariff Commission to act in conj unction with___________________________ 700 Commereial Attach~s, appropriation for compensation of clerks for__________ 1331 Commercial Conferenee. See Pan Ameri- can Commercial Conference. Commercial Names. See alao Patents, Protection oL__________________ 156 Commercial Station Post Office. Ine., St. Paul, Minn•• restriction on payment of rents, etc., to________________ 365,1241 Commereial Treaties. power of Tariff Commission to investigate__________ 698 Commission Merehant, construed in Agricultural Commodities Act_ _____ 532 Commission of Fine Arts. See Independ- ent Offices; Fine Arts Commission. Commissioner. Foreign Service, designa- tion of Foreign Service officer to act as_______________________________ 1210 Commissioner of Customs, salary increase of_______________________________ 1009 Commissioner of Edueation. Su Glao In- terior, Department of. Assistant commissioner, authorized____ 384 Commissioner of Indian Aft'alrs. Su Interior, Department of. Commissioner of Industrial Aleohol. for- merly Commissioner of Prohibition_ 430 Commissioner of Internal Revenue. See alBO Treasury Department. Redemption of certain tobacco stamps, authorized_______ ______ __ __ ____ ___ 1510 Commissioner of Narcotics. See alBo Treasury Department. Appeal from decisions oL____________ 587 Appointment by the PresidenL_______ 585 May authorize importation of coca leaves__________________________ 587 Derivatives, etc., of, to be destroyed__ 587 Narcotic laws violations, rewards for information oL_________________ 850 Commissioner of Naturalization. See also Labor, Department of. Repatriation certificate issued by, upon proof of citizenship resumed_______ 791 Commissioner of Patents. See alao Com- merce, Department of. Appointment, duties, etc., assistant____ 150 Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, weekly opinions of, to____________ 589 Department of Agriculture detail to office of, authorized______________ 376