Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1719

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INDEX. xl .. VB Constants, Annual Tables of, appropria- Page tion for contribution to International Commission on ________________ 181, 1316 .. Constitution," appropriation for restor- ing frigate_____ __ ____ ___ __________ 140 Constitution Avenue, D. C., location des- ignated__________________________ 1420 Constitution of the United States: Commission to study, etc., amend- ment to, for equalizing burdens, etc., in time of war______________ 825 Hawaii, applicability of Federal laws and,in_________________________ 160 .. Construction Agencies" construed in Employment Stabilization Act______ 1084 Construction and Repair, Bureau of. See Navy Department. Consular Assistant, grade of, abolishcd_ _ 1208 Consular Courts, transportation of prison- ers convicted in___________________ 327 Consular Officers: Authority of, returning destitute Amer- ican seamen from abroad_________ 261 Invoices, disposition of, by___________ 721 Narcotic laws violation, payment through, if informcr in foreign country_____ ____ __ ___ ___ _____ ___ 850 Consular Service. See Foreign Service. Contagious Diseases, appropriation for prevention of epidemics oL ______ 347,1229 Containers: Dutyon _________________________ 614,630 On free list._________________________ 674 Contentnea Creek, N. C ., preliminary ex- amination to be made for resurvey of _ 936 Continental Congress, Journals of the, appropriation for publishing___ _____ 1188 Contingent Expenses: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department oL _____ 393, 1243 Alaska, Territory oL ___________ 321,1157 Army_________________________ 434,1279 Capitol Police __________________ 512,1182 Civil Service Commission ________ 232, 1358 Commerce, Department oL _____ 193,1329 Coast Guard ___________________ 344, 1225 Consulates, United States_______ 176,1312 District of Columbia ____________ 954,1381 Efficiency, Bureau oL _____ _____ 232, 1358 Executive Office _________________ 229,1355 Foreign missions__ __ __ __ ____ ___ 175, 1311 General Accounting Office _______ 236, 1363 Government Printing Office _____ 519,1189 House of Representatives _______ 511,1181 Interior, Department oL ________ 280,1116 Justice, Department oL _________ 186,1321 Labor, Department oL _________ 215,1351 T,ibrary of Congress ____________ 518,1188 Navy DepartmenL _____________ 577,1452 Post Office Department_________ 359, 1236 Contingent Expenses-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Public Builcings and Public Parks of the National CapitaL ______ 240, 1368 Senate________________________ 507, 1177 State, Department oL __________ 174,1309 Treasury Departmcnt ___________ 336,1218 War DepartmenL ______________ 433,1278 Deficiency appropriation for- Commcrce, Department oL 872,1077,1564 Consulates, United States__________ 885 District of Columbia. __ __ __ _ __ __ _ 867,1558 Executive Office________ __ _________ 93 House of Representatives_ __ _ 92, 860, 1066 Foreign missions_ _________________ 885 Interior, Department oL ________ 875, 1565 Justice, Department oL 106,879, 1071, 1571 Labor, Department oL ____ 109,1071,1078 Navy Department__________ __ __ __ _ 110 Senate___________________________ 860 State, Department oL_____________ 112 Treasury DepartmenL __________ 889,1584 Contract Laborers, excluded entry _______ 849 Contractors, amounts collected from, de- faulting under reclamation law, cov- ered into reclamation fund_________ 522 Contracts: Public land surveys, R. S., section 2398, repealed_________ __________ _____ 1029 Wages, public building construction, to be specified_______ _______ __ _____ 1494 War Department, in excess of $500; written requirements continued___ 796 Conversion of Currency, under Tariff Act_ 739 Converters, Steel, duty on_____________ 614 Convict Made Goods, importation pro- hibitE:d_______ _________ __ __ __ __ ___ 689 Convicts, American, appropriation for maintaining prisons abroad for___ 185, 1320 Conway, Ark., appropriation for public building at_ - -- ______ __ ____ ______ _ 350 Cook County, III., brIdges authorized, etc., across Little Calumet River, in___________________ 135, 859, 1100, 1496 Coolidge Dam, Ariz., deficiency appropria- tion for completing construction of____________________________ 103,1567 Cooper River, S. C ., preliminary examina- tion of, to be made________________ 937 Cooperative Associations. See Agricul- tural Marketing Act. Coos Bay Military Wagon Road Lands, timber cutting on, time extended___ 369 Coos Bay, Oreg.: Improvement of, authorized__________ 932 Lands near, conveyed to University of Oregon_________________________ 1506 Oregon may construct, etc., dam and dike to prevent tidal overflow, Lar- son and Stock Sloughs_________ 946,947