Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/254

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211 T est ing fu el : To conduct inquiri es and sc ientific and tec hnologic investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treatment, and use of mineral fuels, and for investigation of mineral fuels belonging to or for the use of the United States, with a view to their most effi- cien t u til iza tio n ; to recommend to various department s such changes in selection and use of fuel as may result in greater economy, and, upon request of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to inves- tigate the fuel-burning equipment in use by or proposed for any of the departments, establishments, or institutions of the United States in the District of Columbia, $179,210, of which amount not to exceed $32,000 may be expe nded for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Mi nera l mi ning investigations : For inquiries and scientific and Mineral mining . g

Studies, investiga- technologic investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treat- tions, etc ., for improv- ing conditions inn ment, and utilization of ores and mineral substances, other than fuels, with a view to improving health conditio ns and increasing safety, efficiency, economic development, and conserving resources through the prev ention o f waste in the m ining, q uarrying, metallu rgical, and other mineral industries ; to inquire into the economic conditions affecting these industries ; and including all equipment, supplies, expenses of travel and subsistence, and the purchase, not to exceed $2,500, including exchange, operation, maintenance, and repair of Services in the trict. motor-propelled passenger-carrying ve hicles, including not to exceed $16,900 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $165 ,000 : Prov ided , That no part of th is appropriation may be expended for an investigation in behalf of any private party ; 011, gas, and oil-shale investigations : For inquiries and investiga- ti ons and dissemin ation of informa tion con cerning the mini ng, prep a- ration, treatment, and utilization of petroleum, natural gas, and oil shale, including economic conditions affecting the industry, with a vie w to economic development and co nse rvi ng resources thr ou gh the pr eve nti on of wa ste ; for the purc hase of newspape rs relat ing to the oil, gas, and allied industries : Provided, That section 192 of the Rev is ed Statutes (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 102) shall not app ly to su ch purchase of newspapers from this appropriation ; and for every other expense incident thereto , includ ing supp lies, equ ipment, expenses of travel and subsistence, purchase, not to exceed $7,000, exchange as part payment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenge r-carryi ng vehic les, pur chase of laborato ry glove s, goggl es, rubb er b oots and aprons, $232,000, of which amount not to exceed services in the trict. $32,850 may be expe nded for personal services in the District of Colu mbia ; Min ing ex perimen t stati ons : For the em ploy men t of per son al minin g experiment stations . services, purchase of laboratory gloves, goggles, rubber boots and Personal services, etc. aprons, and all other ex penses i n connec tion with the est ablishme nt, maintenance, and operation of mining exp eriment stations, as pro- vided in the Act authorizing additional mining experiment stations, Vol. 33, p . 959. approved March 3, 1915 (U. S. C ., title 30, sec . 8), $230,450, of u.s. C'.,p.31. which amount not to exceed $15,600 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict . services in the District of Columbia ; Buildings and grounds, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : For ca re and d Pittsburgh, Pa., main tena nce of b uild ings and gro unds at Pitt sbur gh a nd B ruce ton, Expenses of. Pennsylv ania, in cluding personal service s, the pu rchase, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance , and repair of passenger automobiles for official use, and all other expenses requisite for and incident thereto, including not to exceed $5,000 for additions and improve ments, $82,200 ;

Temporary deta ils Persons employed during the fiscal year 1931 in field work out- from the field for side of the District of Columbia under the Bureau of Mines may be ser vice in the D istrict . deta iled tem pora rily for ser vice in the Dist rict of Colu mbia for Investigating mineral fuels, etc . Services in the Dis- trict. Di s- Proviso. Private work forbid- d en. Oil, gas, and o il s hale investigations . Purchase of newspa- pers, etc. Prunso . R.S.,sec.192,p.30. U.S. C'.,p.34. All o ther expe nses . Di s-