Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/256

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213 Helium plants : For helium production and conservation, includ- If dmt lant . ing acquisition of helium-bearing gas land or wells by purchase, Pu rch ase of plan ts, exch ange, lea se, or c ondemnat ion, or interest in such land or wells , etc . et Post, p .1350. the purchase, lease, construction, or modification of plants, pipe lines and accessories, compressor stations, camp buildings, and other facilities for the production, transportation, storage, and purifica- tion of helium and helium-bearing gas, including acquisition of sites and rights of way therefor, by purchase, lease, or condemna- tion, and including supplies and equipment, expenses of travel and subsistence, maintenance and operation of motor-propelled passen- ger-carrying vehicles, and all other necessary expenses, including tr cervices in the Dis- not to exceed $6,560 for personal services in the District of Columbia, and including the payment of obligations incurred under the con- tract authorization carried under this heading in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $306,190 : Provided, That in addition thereto the unexpended balance of the Pr ovi sos . Ba lan ces rea ppro pri • appropriation made under this heading for the fiscal year 1930 is ated. reappropriated and made available for the above purposes for the Vol. 45, p. 1134. fiscal year 1931 : Provided further, That no part of the appropri- ofo bject t approval of ation herein made may be expended except with the approval of the President : Provided urther, That the Secretary of Commerce may, Additional t ions au thorize d . with the approval of the Pr esident, enter i nto cont racts in curring Action a Govern- additional obligations not in excess of $500,000, and his action in so merit contract . doing shall be deemed a contractual obligation of the Federal Gov- ernment : Provided further, That the acq uirement of lease s, sites , Terms for leases, etc, and rights of way under terms customary in the oil and gas indus- try, including obligations to pay rental in advance and to pay damages to lands, crops, or structures arising out of the Govern- m ent's oper atio ns is auth oriz ed : Provided further That should Disposal of products in wells other than v aluab le pr oduc ts ot her t han heliu m-bea ring gas be di scov ered in helium-bearing gas. wells acquired or drilled for helium-bearing gas under this appro- pr iation t he Secret ary of C ommerce is autho rized to provide for the disposal of said wells or the products therefrom, by the contracts under which the property is acquired, or otherwise, in accordance with the interests of the Government therein and in the manner which, in his opinion, is most advantageous to the Government ;

Potash deposits . For determining the location, extent, and mode of occurrence of Expenses of deter . potash deposits in the United States, and conducting the necessary mining locatio n, etc ., la boratory test incident thereto , as authorized under the Act V Col.44,, pp4868, 1388 ; approved June 25, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 30, sec. 4a) ; u. s. c., Supp. IV, a nd for e very exp ense inci dent the reto, in cluding personal services P 451 ' in the District of Columbia not exceeding $6,000, and elsewhere, e xpenses of trave l and sub sistence , purcha se, exch ange as part pay- ment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles, and the construction, maintenance, and repair of necessary camp buildings and appurtenances thereto, $100,000 : Provided, That such part of the amount herein appropriated as Proviso. T ransfer for ex pendi- may be mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of the Interior and ture by Interior De- the-Secretary of Commerce shall be transferred on the books of the partment. Treasury for direct expenditure by the Department of the Interior for the purposes herein set forth . Ec on omi cs of mi ne ral i ndu st rie s : For inquiries and investiga tions, Economics of mineral and the dissemination of information concerning the economic rob- 1 Investigations g

p rob- of the mini ng, q uarry ing, meta llurg ical , and othe r mi neral seminatinginformation industries, with a view to assuring ample supplies and efficient dis- as to problems of, etc. tribution of the mineral products of the mines and quarries, includ- ing studies and reports relating to uses, reserves, production, dis- tribu tion , sto cks, cons umpti on, p rice s, an d mar keti ng of mine ral resRport,eLf ~ e1~ commodities and primary products thereof ; preparation of the