Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/39

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xli Page . Tucson Field, Ariz ., construction . An Act To authorize appropriati ons for construction at Tucson Field, Tucson, Arizona, and for other purposes . February 28 , 1931 14 55 Howard University, District of Columbia, addition . An Act To authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to transfer to the trustees of Howard University title to certain property in the District of Columbia . Febr uary 28, 1931 14 55 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Minne- sota to const ruct, mainta in, and oper ate a bridge across the M ississippi R iver, at or near Brai nerd , Mi nnes ota . Februar y 28, 1931 14 55 Bridge, Mahoning River . An Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mahon- ing River at Edinbur g, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania . February 28, 1931 1456 Bridge, Des Moines River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Des Moines River at or near Saint Francisville, Missouri . February 28, 1931 14 56 Bridge, Fox River . An Ac t Granting t he consent o f Congress to the State o f Illinois t o con- struct, maint ain, and ope rate a bridg e across the Fox River ea st of Serena in La Salle County, Illinois, between sections 20 and 29, township 35 north, range 5 east, third principal meridian . F ebrua ry 28 ,193 1 14 56 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To extend the time for completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the city of Lansing, Iowa . Febru ary 28, 1931 14 57 Bridge, Allegheny River . An Act Gran ting the cons ent of C ongr ess to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Alle ghen y Ri ver at or near Emlenton, Vena ngo Coun ty, Penn sylv ania . February 28, 1931 14 57 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act to extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Rulo, Nebraska . Fe b- ruary 28,1931 14 57 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To extend the ti mes for commencing and completing the construction of a free highway bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Hast ings , Mi nnes ota . February 28,1931 14 57 Dam, Owyhee River . An Act To authorize an investigation with respect to the construction of a dam or dams across the Owyhee River or other streams within or adjacent to the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, Nevada, and for other purposes . February 28,1931- 1458 Bridge, Saint Clair River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the constructio n of a bridg e across the Saint Clair River at or near Port Hu ron, Michigan . February 28,1931 1458 Bridge, Connecticut River . An Act Granting the consent of Con gres s to the Department of Public Works of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Connecticut River at or near Erving, Massa- chusetts . February 28,1931 1458 D istri ct of Colu mbia, Term inal Refri gerat ing, etc ., Corporation . An Act Permitting the laying of a conduit acro ss E and F Streets s outhwest, in the Dis trict of Columbia . Feb- ruary 28, 1931 14 59 Northwest Territory, etc ., s esq ui cen te nni al . An Act To amend the joint resolution establishing the George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission, approved May 23, 1928 . February 28,1931 14 59 Fort Ontario, N . Y ., land cession . An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to reconvey to the State of New York a portion of th e land comprising th e Fort Ontario Milit ary Reservation, New York . February 28,1931 14 60 Plattsburg, N . Y ., barracks construction . An Act To authorize appropriations for construction at Plattsburg Barracks, Platt sbur g, N ew Y ork, and for other purposes . Feb ruary 28,1931 14 60 Cattle importation and quarantine . Joint Resolution To correct sec ti on 6 of the Act of August 30, 1890, as amended by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1926 . February 28, 1931 14 60 Army, travel by air . An Act To amend section 12 of the Act entitled "An Act to readjust the pay and allowance s of the commissione d and enlisted perso nnel of the Army, Na vy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service," approved June 10, 1922, as amended . March 2, 1931 14 61 Naval War College, construction . An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with certain public works at the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island . March 2,1931 14 61 Yorktown Sesquice ntennial Commission, membership . An Act Amending section 1 of Publ ic Resolution Number ed 89, Seventy-first Congress, approved June 17, 1930, entit led "Joint resolution providing for the participation of the United States in the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the siege of Yorktown, Virginia, and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis on October 19, 1781, and authorizing an appropriation to be used in connection with such celebration, and for other purposes ." March 2, 1931 14 62 Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, mortgage of property . An Act To authorize the Leo N.Levi Memorial Hospital Association to mortgage its property in Hot Springs National Park . March 2,1931 14 62 Hot Springs National Park, Ark ., w ate r reg ul ati on s . An Act To regulate the prescribing and use of waters from the Hot Springs National Park at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and for other purposes . March 2,1931 1462