Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/460

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cu. 341 . 1930 . Agricultural engineering : For investigating and reporting upon the utilization of water in farm irrigation, including the best methods to apply in practice ; the different kinds of power and appliances ; the flow of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits ; the duty, apportionment, and measurement of irrigation water, the customs, regulations, and laws affecting irrigation ; for investi- gating and reporting upon farm drainage and upon the drain- age of swamp and other wet lands which may be made avail- able for agricultural purposes ; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage ; for the development of equipment for farm irrigation and drainage and for giving expert advice and assist- a nce ; fo r field experime nts and i nvestiga tions an d the pu rchase a nd installation of equipment for experimental purposes ; for the prepa- ration and illustration of reports and bulletins ; for investigating farm domestic water supply and drainage disposal, the construction of farm buildings and other rural engineering problems involving mechanical principles, including the erection of such structures out- side of the District of Columbia as may be necessary for experimental purposes only ; for rent outside the District of Columbia ; the employment of assistants and labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; and for supplies and all other necessary expenses, $39 4,500 . Total, Bureau of Public Roads, $602,900, of which amount not to exceed $214,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . BUR EAU OF AGR ICU LTU RAL ECONOMICS SAL ARIES AND GENER AL EXPEN SES For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Wash- ington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows For nece sary exp enses for general a d m i nist rat ive pur pos es, in clud - ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $286,000 . Farm management and practice : To investigate and encourage the adoption of improved methods of farm management and farm practice, $424,090 : Provided, That of this amount $150,000 may be used in ascertaining the cost of production of the principal staple agricultural products . Marketing and distributi ng farm products : For acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful information, on subjects 'connected with the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, and distributing of farm and nonmanufac- tured food products and the purchasing of farm supplies, including the demonstration and promotion of the use of uniform standards of classification of American farm products throughout the world, including scientific and technical research into American-grown cotton and its by-products and their present and potential uses, including new and additional commercial and scientific uses for cotton and its by-products, and for collecting and disseminating information on the adjustment of production to probable demand for the different farm and animal products, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the department, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and persons engaged in the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, and 57804'-31-27 417 Far m irrig ation, etc . , investigations . Dra inage o f farms, swamp lands, etc . Domestic water sup- ply. Outside structures, rent, etc . Services in the Dis trict . Agricultural Eco- nomics Bureau . General expenses . Salaries, supplies, labor, etc. Chief of Bureau, and office personnel . Farm management and practice . Proviso. Ascertaining cost of producing staples . Di str ibut ing ac- quired information of farm products, market- ing, etc . Pr omoting classi fica- tion standards . Cotton and by-prod . ucts research .