Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/483

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 348 . 1930 . Guard on discharge from Federal service, as prescribed in amenda- tory Act of September 22, 1922 (U. S. C., title 10, sec. 752) ; and to members of the National Guard who have been mustered into Fed- Amount for fuel and eral service and discharged on account of physical disability ; in all, transp ortati on the reof, $14,975,000, of which amount not exceeding $250,000 shall be avail- immediately available, able immediately for the procurement and transportation of fuel for the service of the fiscal year 1931. striation . Icti or vehicle re- No money appropriated by this Act shall be expended for the hire, operation, maintenance, or repair of any motor-propelled vehicle which shall be employed wholly or in part for personal, social, or Allo wan ce. similar use, except such use as is prescribed by order for transport- ing children of Army personnel to and from school, and Army personnel in connection with the recreational activities of the Army . N one of the funds appro priat ed in this Act, u nless expr essly made Purchase •r motor vehicles restricted . available for the purpose, shall be used for the purchase or exchange of motor-propelled freight-carrying or passenger-carrying vehicles for the Army, except those that are purchased solely for experi- mental purposes, in excess of the following quantities and costs per Price l imi tat ion . vehicle, including the value of a vehicle exchanged : Thirty ambu- lances at $3,500 each, ten passenger-carrying vehicles at $2,500 each, th irty such ve hicles at $2,000 each, one hundred and fifty such vehicles at $1,200 each, and one hundred and fifty solo motor cycles at $300 each, nine truck chassis at $7,200 each, ten truck chassis at Cost • of transporta- $4,325 each, fifty-seven truck chassis at $2,800 each : Provided, That t ion charged to a p- during the fiscal year 1931 the cost of transportation from point of propriations from w hich suppl ies, etc . , ori gin to the first point of storage or consumption of supplies, equip- procured. ment, and material in connection with the manufacturing and pur- chasing activities of the Quartermaster Corps may be charged to the appropriations from which such supplies, equipment, and material were procured . H orses .

HORSES FOR C AVAL RY, ART ILLE RY, ENG INE ERS, AND SO FOR TH Purchase, etc. For the purchase of horses within limits as to age, sex, and size to be prescribed by the Secretary of War for remounts for officers entitled to public mounts, for the United States Military Academy, an d for such organizations and members of the military service as may be required to be mounted, and for all expenses incident to Encouraging breed- such purchases (including $132,500 for encouragement of the breed- ing of riding horses . ing of riding horses suitable for the Army, in cooperation with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, including the purchase of animals for breeding purposes and their mainte- Military posts

nance), $380,000 . . MILIT ARY POSTS Construction, etc . For construction and installation at military posts, including the United States Military Academy, of buildings, utilities, and appur- tenances thereto, including interior facilities, necessary service connections to water, sewer, gas, and electric mains, and similar improvements, all within the authorized limits of cost of such buildings, as authorized by the Acts approved February 18, 12Vol.4o; pp.129, 300, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 129), March 10, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 300), February 23, 1929 (45 Stat ., p. 1 258), Febr uary 25, 1929 (45 Stat., p . Restrictions waived . 1301), and March 1 1929 (45 Stat .

1425), without reference to R. S ., sees. 1136, 3734,



7 p . pu20s :77C .1 . pp. 219, se ctions 1136 and 3734 , Revised Statutes (U. S. C ., title 10, sec . 13 02,13 03 . 1339 ; tit le 40, sees . 259, 267), including also the engagement, by contract or otherwise, of the services of architects, or firms, or part- nerships thereof, and other technical and professional personnel as may be deemed necessary without regard to civil-service require- ments and restrictions of law governing the employment and com-