Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/541

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SEV EN TY- FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 399. 1930. Foreign Agricultural SEC . 2 . ( a) The present repres entati ves of the Bur eau of Agri- Service. Comp osit ion or . cultural Economics of the Department of Agriculture now stationed abroad shall be officers of the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States, and the Secretary of Agriculture may appoint other officers in said service from time to time in accordance with civil- To be agricultural service procedure . All such officers shall constitute the Foreign attacbts, etc' Agricultural Service of the United States, and shall be known as agricultural attaches, assistant agricultural attaches, or by such other titles as may be deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Agr iculture . Att ac hed to diplo- Any office r in sa id serv ice, w hen des ignated by the Secret ary of lat e, mission or cons A gricult ure, sh all thr ough th e Depa rtment of Stat e, be r egularl y and officially attached to the diplomatic mission of the United States in the country in which he is to be stationed, or to the consulate of the United States, as the Secretary of Agriculture shall designate . Arrangement if foreign office in the If any such officer is to be stationed in a country where there is no country diplomatic mission or consulate of the United States, appropriate recognition and standing, with full facilities for discharging his official duties, shall be arranged by the Department of State. The Name of officer may Secretary of State may reject the name of any such officer if, in his tary o i f State .by Sae- judgment, the attachment of such officer to the diplomatic mission or consulate at the post designated would be prejudicial to the public policy of the United States . Grades and salaries. (b) The Secretary of Agriculture shall appoint the officers of the For eign Ag ricultu ral Ser vice t o such grades as he m ay esta blish, with salaries in those grades comparable to those paid other officers Promotion, sep ara- of the Government for analogous foreign service . tion,etc . (c) The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to promote or demote in grade or class, to increase or decrease within the salary range fixed for the class the compensation of, and to separate from the servi ce, officers of th e Foreign Agricul tural Service, bu t in so doing the Secretary shall take into consideration records of efficiency . Character of public (d) No officer of the Foreign Agricultural Service shall be con- minister not given.

sidered as having the character of a public minister . Assignment for duty (e) Any office r of th e Forei gn Agri cultur al Serv ice may be as- in united states. signed for duty in the United States for a period of not more than three years without change in grade, class, or salary, or with such cha nge as the Sec retary of Agr icultur e may d irect . Transportation, etc.,

(f) The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to pay the ex- expenses. penses of transportation and subsistence of officers in the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States and their immediate fami- lies in going to and returning from their posts under orders from Official leaves order order aof of t s

he Secretary of Agriculture . The Secretary of Agriculture is cretarye

further authrized, whenever he deems it in the public interest, to order to the United States on his official leave of absence any Foreign Agricultural Service officer who has performed three years or more Provisos.

of continuous service abroad : Provided That the expenses of trans- Transportation, etc .,


p expenses . portation and subsistence o f such officers a nd their immediat e fami- lies in traveling to their homes in the United States and return shall be paid under the same rules and regulations applicable in the case of officers going to and returning from their posts under orders of Duties during official the Secretary of Agriculture when not on leave : Provided further, leave .

That while in the United States the services of such officers shall be available for such duties in the Department of Agriculture and elsewhere in the United States as the Secretary of Agriculture may Per iod and cum ula - prescribe . An officer in the Foreign Agricultural Service, in the tive leave. discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, may be given leave of absence with pay for not to exceed thirty days for any one year,