Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/606

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563 equipments for antiaircraft defense at shore stations ; maintenance Equipment supplies, and operation of coast signal service ; equipage, supplies, and mate- rials under the cognizance of the bureau required for the maintenance an d operation of naval ve ssels, yard craft, and ships' boa ts ; purcha se, installation, repair, and preservation of machinery, tools, and appli- ances in navy yards and stations, pay of classified field force under the bureau ; incidental expenses for naval vessels, navy yards, and st ations, insp ectors' off ices, the e ngineering experiment station, s uch a s phot ograp hing, techn ical books and p eriod icals, stat ionery , and instruments ; services, instruments and apparatus, supplies, and tech- nical books and periodicals necessary to carry on experimental and research work ; payment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere of such scientists and tech- nicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person New tools a nd ma- so employed ; in all, $20,101,400, of which $750,000 shall be available ehinery for shops, by exclusively for the procurement and installation of new tools and transfe rs from na val machinery for shops under the cognizance of the Bureaus of Engi- supply account . neering and Construction and Repair, and, in addition, the Secretary, of the Treasury is authorized and directed, upon the request of the Secretary of the Navy, to make transfers during the fiscal year 1931 from the naval supply account fund to the appropriation "Engi- neering, Bureau of Engineering, fiscal year 1931," of sums not to Pr ovi so ~oai8e. exceed in the aggregate $1,000,000 : Provided, That the sum to be clerical, etc ., sere paid out of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary ices, of the Navy, for clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, and offices of United States inspectors of machinery and naval material for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1 931, shall not exceed $1,715,000 . Engineering e xperi - ENGINEERING EXPERIMENTAL STATION, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND

ment al sta tion, For original investigation and extended experimentation of naval et Eap eri ment al work , appliances, testing implements and apparatus ; purchase and instal- lation of such machines and auxiliaries considered applicable for test and use in the naval service ; and for maintenance and equipment of buildings and grounds, $175,000 . Bureau of Construct tion and Repair . Construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair : For pa of 7ueseselsn and re- preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary

purchase of materials and stores of all kinds ; steam steerers, steam capstans, steam windlasses, and all other auxiliaries

labor in navy

yards and on foreign stations ; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops ; carrying on work of experimental model tank and wind tunnel ; designing naval vessels ; construction and repair of yard craft, lighters, and barges ; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat ; general care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair ; incidental expenses for vessels and navy yards, inspec- tors' offices, such as photographing, books, professional magazines, plans, stationery, and instruments for drafting room, and for pay of classified field force under the bureau ; services, instruments and apparatus, supplies, and technical books and periodicals necessary to carry on experimental and research work ; for payment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia, or else- where, of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not Equipment supplies . exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed ; for hemp, wire, BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR