Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/612

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569 the remains of pensioners and destitute patients who die in naval hospitals ; for purchase and care of cemetery lots ; for removal of remains from abandoned cemeteries to naval or national cemeteries, or to their homes, including remains interred in isolated graves at ho me and abroad , and r emains tempora rily in terred, $75,00 0 : P ro - P1t rya officers, etc ., vided, That the above provision shall apply in the case of officers and on active duty in- enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps on the retired list who elude d. die while on active duty . BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS For the labor, materials, and supplies necessary, as determined by General maintenance. the Secretary of the Navy, for the general maintenance of the activi- ti es and proper ties no w or he reafter under the cog nizance of the Pose n . 1072. Bureau of Yards and Docks, including the purchase, exchange (including parts), maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger- Vehicles . carrying vehicles for the Navy Department (not to exceed ten in number) and the Naval Establishment not otherwise provided for, and including not to exceed $1,150,000 for clerical, inspection, draft- i Clerical, etc, serv ing, messenger, and other classified work in the field, $8,000,000 : Pr ovided, That , durin g the f iscal y ear 193 1, the motor- propell ed Pucehase of passen- passenger-carrying vehicles to be purchased hereunder shall not ger vehicles limited . exceed the following respective numbers and costs : One $3,000, seven at $2,000 each, fifteen at $1,500 each, and forty at $650 each : Pro- etc imit of operation, vi ded furthe r, That expend itures from a ppropri ations contain ed in this Act for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-pro- pelled passenger-carrying vehicles, including the compensation of operators, shall not exceed in the aggregate $110,000, exclusive of siaa oneC rps , mut- such vehicles owned and operated by the Marine Corps in connection excluded . wi th expedit ionary dut y without t he contine ntal limit s of the U nited S tates and motor cycl es, and on any one v ehicle sha ll not exc eed for maintenance, upkeep, and repair, exclusive of garage rent, pay of op erators, t ires, fuel and lubric ants, one- third of t he market price of a new vehicle of the same make or class, and in any case more th an $500 CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS For contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements of public works at navy yards and stations, $125,000 . Bureau of Yards and Docks . Conting ent. PUBL IC WORKS , BUREA U OF YAR DS AND DOCKS Public works . Navy yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire : Improvement of power Portsmouth, N. H. p lant, $55,000 . Navy yard, Boston, Massachusetts : Improvement of water front, Boston, Mass . $76,000 ; improvement of power plant, $68,000 ; in all, $144,000 . Navy yard, New York, New York : Dredging, to continue, $100,000 ; New York, N. Y. improvement of water front, $150,000 ; improvement of power plant, $24,000 ; in all, $274,000. Navy yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Dredging, to continue, Philad elphia, Pa . $100,000 ; blocking for dry dock numbered 2, $28,000 ; improvement of pier numbered 2, $325,000 ; in all, $453,000 . Navy yard, Washington, District of Columbia : Improvement of Washington, D .C. steel foundry crane runway, $70,000 ; extension of stockyard crane runway, $20,000 ; improvement of boiler plant, $120,000 ; in all, $210,000,