Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/851

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SEV ENTY-FIRS T CONGRESS . SEss . II. CHs. 598. 1930. sea territories ; (4) with reference to such exhibits from this country and its oversew territories, and reports, cooperate with and secure Cooperation •1 •Y" the ass istance of the various executi ve depa rtments and bra nches of utivo depa rtments . the Government participating in the exposition, which departments and branches may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, designate officials or employees of their departments or branches to assist the commissioner general, but no such official or employee so r• extra ~ompensa- lion

designa ted sha ll recei ve a sa lary in excess of the amount w hich he . has been receiving in the department or branch where employed, plus such reasonable additional allowance for expenses as may be Clerk s,et` °,

deemed proper by the Secretary of State ; (5) employ such clerks, steno graph ers, and other ass istan ts as may be n ecess ary a nd f ix insonstructi•"•ibnild- their reasonable compensation ; and (6) purchase such material, con- tract f or such labor a nd servi ces, an d cause to be c onstruc ted such building as may be necessary to carry out the general purpose of ~'xhibits by execu- this Act. The heads of the various departments and branches of the tico departments, etc . Gover nment are auth orize d, i n coo perat ion with the S ecret ary of State, to collect and prepare suitable exhibits for display at the exposition, accompanied by appropriate descriptions in the French and English languages . to Transfer commissioner o gen exhibits - SEC . 3. Officers and employees of the executive departments or eral authorized . branches of the Government in charge of or responsible for the safe- keeping of any property of this country and its oversew territories which is proposed to be exhibited, may permit such property, on the requ est of the comm issione r genera l, to p ass from their posses- sion for the pu rpose of being transpor ted to and from and ex hibited Return thero•e, at Close of e xposition . at the exposition . At the close of the exposition, or when the con- nection of the Governme nt of t he Unite d State s therew ith cea ses, if practic able, th e commi ssioner general shall cause al l such property to be returned to the respective departments and branches from iml>rectiiiprabn,iireturn which taken ;; and if the return of any such property is not 1)racti- ~°ticable , cable, he may, with the knowledge of the department or branch from which it was taken, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, make such disposition thereof as he may deem advisable and account therefo r. Sum authorized.

SEC. 4 . In order to defray the expenses hereinbefore specified and Poit, p . 1417 .

all and singular expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, the sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is Expenditures to be authorized to be appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not approved b y secretar y otherwise appropriated, to remain available until expended . All of state.

expendit ures sh all be s ubject to appro val by the Secr etary o f State and paya ble upo n his ce rtifica tion, bu t shall not be subject to the Linlitation .

provisions of any law other than this Act regulatin g ° or limiting the expenditure of public money, but this provision shall not be con- strued to waive the submission of accounts and vouchers to the General Accounting Office for audit or permit any indebtedness to be incurred in excess of the amount authorized to be ap b utions, a uthorized .


p ropri ated . Acceptance ofi ze,1 i- SEC. 5. The commissioner general, with the approval o the Secre- tary of State, may receive from any source contributions to aid in carry ing out the gen eral pu rpose of this A ct, but the sam e shall be expended and accounted for in the same manner as any appro- priation which may be made under authority of this Act . The com- missioner general is also authorized to receive contributions of ma- terial to aid in carrying out the general purpose of this Act, and at the close of the exposition or when the connection of the Govern- ment of the United States therewith ceases, under the direction of Disposition ofexcess, the Secretary of State, shall dispose of any such portion thereof as may be unused, and any building which may have been constructed and account therefor,