Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1021

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2629 jication ce sac, avec la .:fi,celk, l'eti.q:luffe e1 le cachet de jermet'lU'e du sac. Dans l'6change avec les Offices qui exigent l'envoi d'un duplicata, les pieces justificatives mention- nees ci-dessus sont annexees au duplicata. Les bulletins de verification et les duplicata sont envoyes sous pli recommande. . Dans les cas prevus aux §§ 1 et 2 du present article, Ie bureau d'ori¢ne et, Ie cas echeant, Ie dermer bureau d'echange inter- mediaire peuvent, en outre, ~tre avises par telegramme aux frais de l'Office qui expedie celui-ci. Un avis teugraph~ duit etre emu toutes les jois q'IU la dep&he presente des traces evidentes de spoliation, afin q'IU le bureau ex- pUiteur ou intermUiaire procede sans aucun retard d l'instruction de l'aifaire et, le cas leMant, avise egalement par teUgramme l'OjJice precedent pour la con- tinuation de l'enquete. 4.- Lorsque l'absence d'une de- p~he est Ie resultat d'un defaut de coincidence des courriers ou lorsqu'elle est dt1ment expliquee sur Ie bordereau de remise, l'eta- blissement du bulletin de verifica- tion prevu aux §§ 1 et 3 n'est pas necessaire, si 10. dep~he parnent au bureau destinataire par Ie plus prochain courrier. L'envoi du quplicata prevu au § 3 peut ~tre differe, si l'on pre- sume que Ie manque de 10. dep~he provient d'un retard ou d'une fausse direction. Des 10. rentree d'1.lDe dep~he dont l'absence avait eM si- gnalee au bureau d'origine et, Ie cas echeant, au dernier bureau d'echange intermediaire, iI y a lieu d'adresser a ces bureaux un second bulletin de verification annon~ant 10. reception de cette dep~he. . 5. -Les bureaux auxquels sont adresses les bulletins prevus au present article les renvoient Ie plus promptement possible, apres les avoir examines et y avoir men- tionne leurs observations, s'iI y a lieu. sack, together with the string, the label and the seal of the sacK, to the bulletin of verification. In the exchange with Adminis- ta!t~ to be at- trations which require the send- . in~ of a duplicate, the supporting eVIdence mentioned above is at- tached to the duplicate. The bulletins of verification and the duplicates are sent under reg- istered cover. In the cases contemplated by Telegraphic notice. Secs. 1 and 2 of the present Arti- cle, the office of ongin and the last intemediate exchange office, if any, may also b~ advised by telegram at the expense of the Administration sending the tele- gram. Telegraphic notice must be TraceII of rifliq, etc. given whenever the dispatch shows evident traces of rifling, in order that the dispatching or interme- diate office may :proceed without any delay tomvestigate the matter, and alsol if need be, ad- vise the preceding Administra- tion by telegram, for the continu- ance of the investigation. 4. When the absence of a dis- When bulletin fa un- patch is the result of a failure of necessary. mails to connect, or when it is duly explained on the waybill, the preparation of the bulletin of verification contemplated by Sec- tions 1 and 3 is not necessary, if the dispatch reaches the office of destination by the next mail. . The sending of the duplicate Duplicate delayed. provided for by Section 3 may be deferred if it is presumed that the shortage of the dispatch is due to a delay or to misdirection. When a dispatch the absence Second bulletin nec- , • 88SII17. of which had been pomted out to the office of origin and the last intermediate exchange office, if anYt is located, it is necessary to sena. to the said office a second bulletin of verification announc- ing the receipt of that mail. 5. The offices to which the bul- Return of bulletin 1· f ifi' from recelvtnr office. etms 0 ver cation contem- plated by the present Article are addressed return them as soon as possible after examining them, and after mentioning thereon their observations, if any.