Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1027

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNI<m. June 28, 1929. 2685 1& d~p~he, u nombre de sacs en sacks, dividing them, if occasion us ~epartissam, u cas kheam, arises, into the following clasS6S: dam us categories suivantes: Nombre del ,au dont U 1'0141 brut dipam depaue dipal.e fkg. 6kg. 16kg. Ducriptiofl du 'Il( .alll , alii lalll t:J:cldn t:J:cider 16 kg. t:J:cider 6Icg. 30kll. (.acr (.ac. (.ae. ligm) mOo lourda) ,elll) 1 2 3 •

L.C . A.O . - Exempt de frail de tran.u .1 Nombre de .acr: Le nombre des sacs exempts de frais de transit d inscrire doiJ lire le total de ceux portam l'indi- cation "Statist~ue-Exempt", d'apres les prescriptW'M de l'arlicle 61, § 3, ci-dessus. 2. -Les indications de8 jeuilles d'avis sont v~rifi~s par Ie bureau d'khange destinataire. Si ce bu- reau constate une erreur dans les nombres inscrits, il rectifie la feuille et signale imm~atement l'erreur au bureau d'khange ex- p~teur au moyen d'un bulletin de verification conjorme au mo- dele 0 24 ci-annexe. TO'lItejois, en ce qui concerne u poids d'un sac, l'indication du bureau d' e- change exp~teur est tenue pour valable, d moins que le poids reel ne depasse de plus de 250 gram- mes Ie poids maximum de la cate- gorie dans laquelle ce sac a eM inscrit. ARTICLE 63. I Number of sacks of which the gross weight l exceedS exceeds exceeds 2 !rg. !~t . DII hk I with- Wlth- escrptonoft esac outex- outex- outex- ceeding ceedlng ceedlng 5kg. 15kg. 30kg. Oight (med!- (heavy L.C . A.O . sacks) ~~) sacb) 23. 1---


Exempt from transit INumber of I18Cks: charges CJaaes. The number of sacks exempt Entry of exempted • sacks to be made. from transIt charges to be entered must be the total number of those bearing the indication "Statis- tique-Exempt" in accordance with the provisions of Article 61, Section 3, above. 2. The indications of the letter Verification. bills are verified by the exchange office of destination. If that office finds an error in the numbers entered. it corrects the bill and immediately reports the error to the dispatching exchange office by means of a bulletin of verifica- tion conforming to Model C 24 lWt. p . 2692. hereto appended. However, in regard to the weight of a sack, the Wel&htofsacks. indication of the dispAtching ex- change office is held as valid un- less the actual weight exceeds bY' more than 250 grams the maXI- mum weight of the class in which that sack has been entered. Confection des releves 0 17 des Making dep~ches closes. ARTICLE 63 up oj Forms closed mails o17for l. - AussitOt que possible apres la cloture des operations de sta- tistique, les bureaux destinata.ii'es dressent en autant d'expCditions qu'il y a d'Offices interess~, y compris celui du lieu de d~part, des relev~ conformes au modele o 17 ci-annexe et transmettent ces releves aux bureaux d'echange 1. As soo~ 8;s possible !l'fter the C TarmstroBot (talk)Jm~s. Form close of statIstIcal operatIons, the offices of destination make up, in as many copies as there are Ad- ministrations interested, including that of the country of origin, statements conforming to Model PoU, p. 2686. C 17 hereto appended, and trans- mit such statements to the ex-