Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1031

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2689 wcrit en Mte de 180 feuille d'avis la mention: " Pas de correspondances a decouvert." 3.- Les inscriptions aux feuilles d'avis sont verifiees par Ie bureau d'echange destinataire. Si ce bu- reau constate des differences de plus de cinq objets, il rectifie les- dites inscriptions et signale imme- diatement l'erreur au bureau expe- diteur au moyen d'un bulletin de verification. Si la difference con- stat&> reste dans 180 limite precitee, les indications du bureau expedi- teur sont tenues pour valables. 4.- Apres avoir termine les operations statistiques, Ie bureau d 'echange destinataire dresse, en simple expedition, des releves (modele a 19 ci-annexe) qu'll transmet, sans retard, a l'Admi- nistration centrale dont il releve. ARTICLE 68. Statistique des dep~ches entre- posees. Pour les dep~ches dont l'entre- p~t dans un port donne lieu, aux termes de l'article 74 de 180 Con- vention, a une remuneration au profit de l'Office entreposeur, cet Office etablit, par pays d'origine, un releve journalier conforme au modele 0 t1 ci-annexe et 011 figurent les indications relatives aux dep~ches re9ues du pays con- sidere, par i'entrep~t, pendant 180 periode des 14 ou 28 jours de 180 statistique des frais de transit, sans ~ard aux dates d'e~edition et de reexpedition desdites de- p~hes. Les indications portees sur lef; releves journaliers sont recapi- tulees, pour chaque pays J'origine, sur un etat conforme au modele 0 t2 ci-annexe et qui est envoye a I'Administration centrale dudit pays, accompagne des releves modele 021 y afferents. L'etat recapitulatif 0 22, re- v~tu de l'acceptation de l'Ad- ministration du pays expediteur, est transmis avec les releves ti789-1 0_31 _PT 2----64 patching office enters at the head of the letter bill the note "Pas de correspondances a. decouvert II (No correspondence in open mail). 3. The entries on the letter bills Verification, etc. are verified by the exchange office of destination. If that office dis- covers differences of more than five articles, it corrects the said entries and immediately reports the error to the dispatching office by means of a bulletin of verifica- tion. If the difference detected remains within the limit sreci- fied above, the indications 0 the dispatching office are held to be valid. 4. Mter finishing statistical central • AdmlDlstratlOn. operatIOns, the excha~e office of destination makes up, m a single copy, statements (Form C 19 here- Pm!, p. 2687. to appended), which it transmits without delay to the central Ad- ministration to which it is subor- dinate. ARTICLE 68 Statistics jor warehoused mails For dispatches whose ware- ":ar!!housed malls h.. ... h statIStics. ousmgm aportgIvesnse,m t e terms of Article 74 of the Conven- Ante, p. 2M4. tion, to a /;:lJ!ent to the ware- housing A . tration, that Ad- ministration makes up, for each country of origin, a daily state- ment conforming to ~fodel C 21 POIt, p. 2689. hereto appended, on which figure the indications relative to the dis- patches received by the ware- house from the country under con- sideration during the period of 14 or 28 days of the statistics for transit charges, without regard to the dates of dispatch and refor- waTrdingh' °tf ~he saidddi~patthcheds. il Recapitulated state- eennesmaemeayments. statements are recapitulated for each country of origin in an ac- count conforming to Model C 22 Pmt, p. 2690. hereto appended, which is sent to the central Administration of the said country, accompanied by the Forms C 21 thereto relating. The recapitulatory account Transmission. C 22, marked with the accept- ance of the Administration of the dispatching CoUlltry, is trans-