Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1050

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2658 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. C{luntries clsssllled. 4.- Les pays de l'Union sont aIDSl qu'il suit en vue de 1& First class. Second class. Third class. Fourth class. Fifth class. Sinh class. Seventh class. r~partit.ion des frais: Ire cla.sse: Union de I'Mrique du Sud, Allemagne, Etats-Unis d'Ammque, Republique Argen- 'tine, COnunonwealth de I'Aus- tralie, Canada, Chine, France, Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bre- tagne et de l'Irlande du Nord, Inde britannique, Etat libre d'Ir- lande, Italie, Japon, Nouvelle- Zelande, Turquie, Union des Re- publiques Sovietistes Socialistes; 28 classe: Espagne, Mexique; 38 classe: Ensemble des Pos- sessions insulaires des Etats-Unis d'Amerique autres que les Iles Philippines, Belgique, Bresil, Egypte, Algerie, Colonies et Pro- tectorats franyais de l'Indochine, Ensemble des autres Colonies fran~aises, Grece, Pays-Bas, In- des neerlandai ~-es, Pologne, Rou- manie, ROy8li des Serbes, Croates et Slov~iles, Suede, Suisse, Tchecoslovaquie; 4e classe: Autriche, Danemark, Finlande, Hongrie, Chosen, N 01' - v~e, Portugal, Colonies portu- galses de l'Afrique, Colonies portu- gRises de l'Asie et de l'Oceanie; 58 cla.sse: Bulgarie, Chili, Re- publique de Colombie, Estonie, Lettonie, Maroc (8. 1'exclusion de la Zone ee-pagnole), Maroc (Zone espagnole), Perou, Perse, Tunisie; 6e classe: Mghanistan, Albanie, Bolivie, Republique de Costa- Rica, Republique de Cuba, Ville libre de Dantzig, Republique Dominicaine, Equateur, Ethiopie, Guatemala, Republique d'Haiti, Republique du Honduras, Lithua- nie, Luxembourg, Nicaragua, Re- publique de Panama, Paraguly, Colorues neerlandaises en Ameri- que, Republique du Salvador, Temtoire de la Sarre, Siam, Uru- guay, Etats-Unis de Venezuela; 78 cla.sse: lIes Philippines, Colo- nie du Congo beIge, Ensemble des Colonies espagnoles, Royaume de Hedjaz et de Nedjde et De- pendances, Iraq, lslande, En- semble des Colonies italiennes, Ensemble des Dependances japo- 4. The countries of the Union are clnssified as follows, in view of the distribution of the expenses: First class: The Union of South Africa, Germany, the United Stat£,s of America, t.he Argentine RepUblic, the Commonwealth of Australia, Canada, China, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Briuish India, the Irish Free State, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Turkey, the Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics; Secend class: Spain, Mexico. Third class: The whole of the Insular Possessions of the United States of America other than the Philippine Islands, Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, Algeria, the French Colonies and Protectorates in Indo-China, the whole of the other French Colonies, Greece, the Netherlands, the Dutch East Indies, Poland, Rumania, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavi1l.), Sweden, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia; Fourth class: Austria, Den- mark, Finland, Hungary, Chosen (Korea), Norway, Portugal, thll Portuguese Colonies in Africa, the Portuguese Colonies in Asia and Oceania; 5th class: Bulgaria, Chile, the Republic of Colombia, Estonia, Latvia, Morocco (except the Spanish Zone), Morocco (Spanish Zone), Peru, Persia, Tunis; Sixth class: Mghanistan, Al- bania, Bolivia, the Republic of Costa Rica, the Republic of Cuba, the Free City of Danzig, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Guatemala, the Republic of Haiti, the Repub- lic of Honduras, Lithuania, Lux- emburg, Nicaragua, the Republic of Plmama, Par~aYhthe Dutch Colonies in Amenca, t e Republic of El Salvador, the Saar Territoq, Siam, Uruguay, the United States of Venezuela; Seventh class: The Philippine Islands, the Colony of the Belgian Congo, the whole of the Spanish Colonies, the Kingdom of Hej az and Nejd and Dependencies, Iraq, Iceland, the whole of the Italian Colonies, the whole of the Japa-