Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1055

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UXIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2663 Si les monnaies de plusieurs pays repondent a ces conditions, c'est au pays crediteur de de. - signer la monnaie qui lui convient. La conversion Be fait au pru.r des monnaies d'or. 2. - Les ch~8 ou traites peu- vent etre expnmes aussi en mon- naie du pays crediteur, si les deux pays se sont mis d'accord a ce sujet. Dans ce cas, Ie solde est converti au pair des monnaies d'or fln monnaie d'un pays repondant aux conditions prevues au para- graphe precfAUnt. Le resultat ob- tenu est ensuite converti dans la monnaie du pays debiteur et de celle-ci dans la monnaie du pays crediteur au cours de la bourse de la capitale ou d'une place com- merciale du pays debiteur au jour de III remise de l'ordre d'achat du cheque ou de la traite. II. Confection des depu;hes. L'Administration des Btats- Unis d'Amerique a La fac?Jlte d'inserer la feuillt d'a?Jis dans un sac con- tenant deslettres ordinaires, pourou que l'indice F figure dairement sur l'etiquette de ce sac. En foi de quoi, les PIenipoten- tiaires ci-dessous ont dresse Ie present Protocole, qui aura la meme force et Ia meme valeur <J.ue si les dispositions qu'il con- tient etaient inserees dans Ie texte meme du Reglement auquel il se rapporte, et Us ront signe en un exemplaire qui restera depose aux Archives du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de la Orande-Bre- tanne et de l'Ir!ande du Nord et dontune copie sera remise a. chaque Partie. Fait a Londres, le £8 juin 19S9. If the moneys of several coun- tries fulfill those conditions, it is incumbent upon the creditor country to designate the money which is convenient for it. The conversion is effected at the gold par rate. 2. Checks or drafts may also be M~ney expressed in money of the creditor OOtiD ry. country, if the two countries have of creditor come to an agreement on this sub- ject. In this case, the balance is converted at the gold par rate into money of a country fulfilling the conditions prescribed by the prec6ding Section. The result ob- tained is then converted into money of the debtor country and from the latter into !Loney of the creditor country at the rate of exchange prevailing in the capital or a commercial city of the debtor country on the date of the delivery of the order for the purchase of the check or draft. II Preparation of dispatches Preparation of dis- patches. The Administration of the .~ptiiln granted U·dS fAm . L Dlted States. mte tates 0 enca has the option of insert~ the letter bill in a sack eontaming ordinary letters, provided that the letter F appears clearly on the label of that sack. In faith of which, the under- signed plenipotentiaries have drawn up the present Protocol, which will have the same force and validity as if its provisions were inserted in the actual text of the Regulations to which it relates, and they have signed it in a single copy, which shall remain on file in the Archives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and a copy of which shall be delivered to each party. Done at London, June 28,1929. Effect of PrtltoooI.