Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1125

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AGREEMENT-BELGIUM. OC 'lOBER 4, 1929. 2733 sion to erect suitable memorials, commemorating the services of the American soldiers in Europe and for othel" purposes", witness- eth that: Article 1. - The Belgian Government will acquire, by mutual agreement with the proprietors, the lands necessary for the erection of the American memorials. Article 2. - The negociations with the owners or tenants for the cession of the said lands will be pursued by the American Battle Monu- ments Commission, who will re- imburse the Belgian Government for the purchase price thereof and for any eXJ?enses occasioned by the acquisitIOn. Article 3.- The said lands, as well as the monuments erected thereon, will be the property of the Belgian Government, who will grant to the Government of the United States without cost and in per- petuity the use and free disposal thereof. Article 4.- The lands acquired will be devoted in perpet~ty to the pur- pose above mentIOned, but the Belgian Government shall have no responsibility with respect to the maintenance or the preserva- tion of the monuments and their accessones. If, in the future, the monu- ments should disappear or fall in- to ruin as a result of abandon- ment that can be considered as definite, and after the Belgian Government has informed the Government of the United States of their condition sufficiently in time so as to permit the latter to remedy the same if it so desires, the Belgian Government shall no longer be bound to permit the said lands to remain unproduc- tive in perpetuity and shall have the right to use them for other purposes. des monuments commemorant dignement les services des soldats americains en Europe, et pour d'autres buts", certifie que: ARTICLE 1.- Le Gouvernement belge ac- Land ooqulsitloll8 by querra a l'amiable les terrains Beliium. necessaires Al'erection des monu- ments commemoratifs americains. ARTICLE 2. - Les tractations a engager avec les PFOprietaires ou locataires des terrains precites en vue de la cession amiable dp-g dits terrains, seront faites par 180 Commission americaine des Monuments de Guerre, qui remboursera au Gou- vernement beIge Ie montant du prix et des frais d'acquisition. ARTICLE 3. - Reimbunoement. Les terrains en question ainsi OwnersWpand we 01 1 ~.~- lands, etc. que es monuments y t:ng~ seront 180 propriete du Gouvernement beIge qui en concedera gratuite- ment et a perpetuite I'usage et 180 libre disposition au Gouverne- ment des Etats-Unis. ARTICLE 4.- Les terrains acquis resteront Maintenance thereot. perpetuellement affectes a leur destination, sens toutefois que I'Etat beIge puisse encourir de responsabilite en ce qui concerne l'entretien et 180 conservation des monuments et de leurs accessoires. Si, dans l'avenir, les monu- ~{abandoned or in t . t~d' ~ ~ rums, etc. men s venalen ~ lsparaltre ou ~ tomber en ruines, par suite d'un abandon que 1'0n pourrait. con - siderer COmme defuiiiif, et apres que I'Etat beIge aurait informe Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis de leur etat suffisamment a temps pour permettre a ce dernier d'y remedier, s'ille juge utile, l'Etat beIge ne pourrait ~tre renu a perpetuite de laisser improductifs les terrains susvises et pourrait Jes utiliser a d'autres fins.