Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1173

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EXTRADITION, ETC., TREATY-AUSTRIA. JANUARY 31,1930. 2781 c) Mutiny or conspiracy of two or more members of the crew or other persons on board of a vessel on the high seas, for the purpose of rebelling against the authority of the Captain or Command- er of such vessel, or by fraud or violence taking possession of such vessel. d) Assault on board ship upon the high seas with intent to do bodily harm. 8. Burglary, defined to be the act of breaking into and entering the house of another in the night time with intent to commit a felony therein. 9. The act of breaking into and ent.ering the office of the Government and public author- ities or the offices of banks, banking houses, savings-banks, trust-companies, insurance and other companies, or other build- ings not dwellings with intent to commit a felony therein. 10. Robbery, defined to be the act of feloniously and forcibly taking from the person of another goods or money by violence or by puttin~him in fear. 1l. Forgery or the utterance of forged papers. 12. The forgery or falsification of the official acts of the Govern- ments, or public authority, includ- ing Courts of Justice, or the utter- ing or fraudulent use ofany of the same. 13. The fabrication of counter- feit money, whether coin or paper, counterfeit titles or coupons of public debt, created by National, State, Provinc!al, Territorial, Lo- cal or Municipal Governments, bank notes or other instruments of public credit, counterfeit seals, c) meuterei ober 5Berfdjn>iSrung Mntlny. an>eier ober me~rerer mit- glieber bet SBefaQung obet tmbetet ~fonen an SBorb einee auf ~o~et ~ee be- finblidjen ~a~raeugee, um ridj gegen bie SBefe~lege- n>alt bee ~~Wine obet ~ommanbanten einee foI- djen ~a~raeugee au em.. ~oren obet um fidj burdj ~ift obet ®en>alt in ben SBefH~ einee foldjen ~a~r.. aeugee au feQen, d) Ubetfall an SBorb einee Assault on ship- ~djiffee auf ~o~er ~ee in board. ber ~bfidjt, fot~etIidjen ~d}aben auaufiigenj 8. ~inbrudj, bae ift bae nddjt.. Burglary. Iidje ~inbtedjen unb ~inbrlngen in bae ~aue einee anbem in bet ~bfidjt, barln ein 5Betbredjen au bege~en; 9. bae ~inbtedjen unb ~inbrlngen o!v'::::e'iit e~~'ii~~t~ in bie ~mter1iume bet ffiegierung unb et~., with intent to com: bet iSffentIidjen SBe~orben obet in bie mit felony. ~mter1iume bon SBanfen, SBtmf~tiufern, ~~atfaffen, ~teu~anbgefeUfdjaften, 5Betfidjerungts" unb anbeten ®efeU.. fdjaften obet in fonftige ®ebiiube, bie nidjt }llio~n~itufet finb, in bet ~bfidjt, batin ein 5Betbtedjen AU bege~enj 10. ffiaub, bae ift bie berbtedjerlfdje Robbery. unb gen>aItfame ~tAie~ung bon ®ittern obet ®elb aue bem SBeft, einee anbem untet ~nn>enbung bon ®en>alt obet ~infdjitdjterung j 11. ~1ilfdjung bon Utfunben obet Forgery, etc. 5Berbreitung geftilfdjter Urfunben; 12. ~iilfdjung obet 5Betfiilfdjung d~:rts. of publi( amtIidjet ~djrlften bet ffiegierungen ober offentIidjen SBe~iSrben einfdjliej3lidj ber ®erldjte obet beten 5Betbreitung obet betritgerlfdje SBenuQungj 13. bie ~aeugung bon ~alrdjgeIb, fei ee gemitnate~ obet ~a~ietgelb, uon gefiilfdjten <eititden ober ~oU4Jone bet iSffentIidjen <eidjulb, bie bon SBunbee.. , <eitaat0::, ~to\)inaia(::, ~errltorial .. , ~o. fal" obet fttibtifdjen 5Betn.laltungen aUfgenommen n>utbe, non SBanfnoten obet anbeten iSffentIidjen Rrebitpa.. Counterfeiting.