Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1221

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FRIEXDSHIP, ETC.. TREATY-EL SALVADOR. FEBRuARY 22,1926. 2829 The Governments of each of the High .Contracting Parties shall furnish free of charge the necessary exequatur of such con- sular officers of the other as present a regular commission signed bY' the chief executive of the appomting state and under its great seal; and they shall issue to a. subordinate or substitute con- sular officer duly appointed by an accepted superior consular officer with the approbation of his Gov- ernment, or by any other compe- tent officer of that Government, such documents as according to the laws of the respective coun- tries shall be requisite for the exercise by the appointee of the consular function. On the exhi- bition of an exequatur, or other document issued ill lieu thereof to such subordinate, such consular officer shall be pennitted to enter upon his duties and to enjoy the rights, privileges and immunities granted by this Treaty. ARTICLE XVI Consular officers, nationals of the state by which they are ap- pointed, shall be exempt from arrest except when charged with the commission of offenses 10crJIy designated as crimes other than misdemeanors and subjecting the individual Inlilty thereof to pun- ishment. Such officers shall be exempt from military billeting'S, and from service of any military or naval, administrative or police character whatsoever. In criminal cases the attend- ance at the trial by a consular officer as a witness may be de- manded by the prosecution or defence. The demand f::hall be made with a11 possible regard for the consular dignity and the duties of the office; and there shall be compliance on the part of the consular officer. Consular officel'S shall be sub- ject to the jurisdiction of the courts in the state which receives Los Gobiernos de cada una de Exequaturs to Issue. las Altas Partes Contratantes extenderan libre de derechos el exequatur correspondiente de los agentes consulares de la otra, ala presentaci6n de la patente consu- lar en fonua, firmada por el Jefe del Ejecutivo del Estado que los nombrare y sellado con el Sello Mayor; y extenderan tambien a un subordinado u oficial consular suplente debidamente nombrado por un c6nsul superior acreditado en el pais y con la aprobaci6n de su Gobierno, 0 por otro funcio- nario competente de ese Gobier- no, los documentos que de acuerdo con las leyes de los respectivos paises llenen los rcqui- sitos para el ejercicio de su funci6n consular. A la presentaci6n de un exequatur U otro documento que haga sus veces, extendido a favor de dicho subordinado, e1 oficial consular podra entrar en el ejercicio de sus funciones y gozar de los derechos, privilegios e inmunidades acordadas en este Tratado. ARTICULO XVI Los funcionarios consulares Consuls exempt rrOII . , arrest, etc. nacionales del Estado que los nombra, estaran exentos de ser arrestados salvo cuando fueren enjuiciados por Ia comisi6n de ofensas que 10calmente se designen como delitos, que no sean una falta, y que sUJeten Ia culpabili- dad individual consiguiente a una pena. Dichos funcionarios esta- ran libres de ser gravados con !\cuartelamientos militares y de cualquier servicio de caracter militar 0 naval, administrativo 0 de policia. En los asuntos criminales, crTarmstroBot (talk) 17:44, 18 January 2013 (UTC). or, in puede ser solicitada la presencia de un funcionario consular como testigo en el juicio, tanto por Ia acusaci6n como por la defensa. La citaci6n se hars. con toda la posible consideraci6n debida a la dignidad consular y a1 funcio- namiento de Ia oficina; y el funcionario consular debera aten- derla por su parte. Los funcionarios consulares es- Jurl.sdiction or courts '(' 'vil In CIVil ('8SeS. tarun sUJetos en casos Cl es a la j urisdicci6n de los tribunal~s