Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1255

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TREATY-NAVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATION. APRIL 22,1930. 2863 seront de dbt-huit et de trente mois, respectivement, a compter de I 'entree en vigueur du present Traite. (b) Parmi les bAtiments a declasser confonnement au pre- sent Article, les suivants pour- ront ~tre conserves pour servir a I 'instruction: par les li:tats-Unis: "Arkan- sas" ou "Wyoming". par Ie Royaume-Uni:" Iron Duke". Par Ie J apon: "Hiyei". Ces names seront mis dans l'etat prescrit a la Section V de I'Annexe II a la Partie II du present Traite. Les travaux necessaires pour mettre ces bAtiments dans cet etat com- menceront, en ce qui con- cerne les li:tats-Unis et Ie Royaume-Uni, dans les douze mois a compter de l'entree en vigueur du present TraitC, et, en ce qui concerne Ie Japon, dans les dix-huit mois a compter de la meme date; les travaux seront termines dans les six mois qui suivront l'expiration des delais mentionnes ci-dessus. Ceux de ces bAtiments qui ne sont pas conserve.q pour servir a l'instrllc.tion seront, dans les dix-huit mois, mis hors d'etat de remplir un service de combat, et d6finitivement detruits dans les trente mois a compter de l'entree en vigueur du present Traite. 2. Sous reserve de tollt de- classement de batiments de li!?ne que pourrait rendre necessalre, conformement au Traite de Washington, la construction par la France et l'Italie du tonnage de remplacement vise a I'Article 1 du present Traite, tous les batiments de ligne existants mentionnes au Chapitre II, Partie 3, Secuon II du Traite de Washington, et non designes ci-dessus comme devant ~tre declasses pourront etre conserves pendant ia duree d'application du present Traite. 3. Le droit a remplacement n'est pas perdu du fait d 'un retard dans la mise sur cale de 57S:; I '-;~ j -I 'T 2-78 and thirty months respectively from the coming into force of the present Treaty. (b) Of the ships to be disposed in:17:50, 18 January 2013 (UTC). (or train- of under this Article, the follow- ing may be retained for training purposes: by the United States: "Arkan- By "Cnited States. sas" or " Wyoming". by the United Kingdom: ByUnitedKingdom. "Iron Duke". by Japan: "Hiyei". By Japan. Th h· h 11 b d d Changes prescribed eseSIpSSa e re uce (or conversion. to the condition prescribed in Section V of Annex II to Part II Pwt, p. 2874. of the present Treaty. The work C fd·h I h ommencement and o re ucmg t ese vesse s to t e completion of reduc- required condition shall begin, in tion. the case of the United States and the. United Kingdom, within twelve months, and in the case of Japan within eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty; the work shall be completed within six months of the expiration of the above-mentioned periods. . Any of these ships which are I?isposition of ra- not retained for training purposes mamder. shall be rendered unfit for war like service within eighteen months, and finally scrapped within thirty months, of the coming into force of the present Treaty. 2. Subject to any disposal of ~apital ships re- capital ships which might be tamed. necessitated, in accordance with the Washington Treaty, by the building by France or Italy of the replacement tonnage referred to .tnte, \1 . 2852. in Article 1 of the present Treaty, all existing capital ships men- tioned in Chapter II, Part 3, Vol. 43 , p. 16i2. Section II of the Washington Treaty and not designated abovo to be disposed of may be retained during the term of the present Treaty. 3. The right of replacement is not lost by delay in laying down replacement tonnage, and the old Replacement rights.