Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1258

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2866 TREATY-NAVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATION. APRIL 22,1930. ARTICLE 7. M:aximum tonnage 1 Aucun sous-man'n de d~- and gun calibre allowed • • ~ submarines. placement type supenour a 2.000 tonnes (2.032 tonnes metriques) ou anne d'un canon d'un calibre superieur a 130 millimetres (5,1 pouces) ne sera acquis par l'une des Hautes PartIes Contrac- tante.c:l ou construit par elle ou . pour elle. Reten.tlOn or thrpe 2 Chacune des Hautes Parties submarmes .,.,rill"~2'1. • Contractantes peut, toutefois, France. conserver, construire ou acquerir un nombre maximum de trois sous-manns d'un deplacement type n'excedant pas 2.800 tonnes (2.845 tonnes metriques); cos sous-marins peuvent porter une artillerie d'un calibre ne depas- sant pas 155 millimetres (6,1 pouces). Dans ce nombre, la France peut conserver une unite deja lancee de 2.880 tonnes (2.926 tonnes metriques) portant une artillerie d'un calibre de 203 millimetres (8 pouces). Submarines or 2,000 3LeHutPt'eC tons displacement, held • S aes arIs on- April 1, 1930, may be tractantes peuvent conserver les retained. ., 11 ~d' t POIlt, p. 2879. sous-manns que es posst: alen au leI' avril 1930, dont Ie de- placement type n'excede pas 2.000 tonnes (2.032 tonnes metriques) et dont Ie calibre de l'artillerie depasse 130 millimetres (5,1 pouces). Maximum allowed. 4. A partir de l'entree en vigu- eur du present Traite pour to utes les Hnutes Parties Contractantes, aucun so us-marin de deplace- ment type superieur a 2.000 tonnes (2.032 tonnes metriques) ou anne d'un canon d'un calibre superieur a 130 millimetres (5 1 pouce~,) ne sera construit dans fa Supra. Exemptions. juridiction de l'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes, sous re- serve des dispositions du para- graphe 2 du present Article. ARTICLE 8. Sous reserve d'accords spe- ciaux qui les soumettraient a une limitation, les batiments ci- apres n'y sont pas sujets: (a) les batiments combat- tants de surface de la flotte mili- taire dont Ie deplacement type est egal ou inferieur a 600 tonnes (610 tonnes metriques); ARTICLE 7. 1. No submarine the standard displacement of which exceeds 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) or with a gun above 5.1-inch (130 mm.) calibre shall be ac- quired by or constructed by or for any of the High Contracting Parties. 2. Each of the High Contract- ing Parties may, however, retain, build or acquire a maximum number of three submarines of a standard displacement not ex- ceeding 2,800 tons (2,845 metric tons); these submarines may carry guns not above 6.1-inch (155 nun.) calibre. Within this number, France may retain one unit, already launched, of 2,880 tons (2,926 metric tons), with guns the calibre of which is 8 mches (203 rom.). 3. The High Contracting Par- ties may retain the submarines which they possessed on the 1st April, 1930, havinf? a standard displacement not m excess of 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) and armed with guns above 5.1- inch (130 rom.) calibre. 4. As from the coming into force of the present Treaty in respect of all the High Contract- ing Parties, no submarine the standard displacement of which exceeds 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) or with a gun above 5.1- inch (130 rom.) calibre shall be constructed wi thin the j urisdic- tion of any of the High Contract- ing Parties, except as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article. AR';:.'ICLE 8. Subject to any special agree- ments which may submit them to limitation, the following ves- sels are exempt from limitation: (a) naval surface combatant vessel8 of 600 tons (610 metric tons) standard displacement and under;