Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1312

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2920 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRuARY 20, 1929. Articulo 8. CsnceIlstion cr inter- Cuando el propietario de una ~[~?:. mark in II foreign marca solicite su registro 0 de- p6sito en otro de los Estados Contratantes distinto al del de origen de Ia marca, y se Ie niegue po.. existir un registro 0 dep6sito previo de otra marca que 10 Impids. por su identidad 0 mani-

Sests. semejanza capaz de crear

confusion, tendra derecho a so- licitar y. obtener la cancelaci6n 0 anulaCl6n del registro 0 deposito anteriormente efectuado, proban- do, conforme a los procedimientos legales del Estado en que se Bolicite la cancelaci6n: (a) que gozaba. de protecci6n legal para su marca en uno de los Estados Contratantes con an- terioridad ala fecha de la solicitud del registro 0 dep6sito que trata de anular; y (b) que el propietario de la marca cuya cancelaci6n se pre- tende tema conocimiento del uso, empleo, registro 0 dep6sito en cualquiera de los Estados Con- tratantes, de Ja marca en que se funda la acci6n de nulidad, pars. los mismos productos 0 mercan- das a que especffics.mente se aplique, con anterioridad a Is. adopci6n y uso 0 a Is. presentaci6n de Is. Bolicitud de registro 0 dep6sito de la marca que se trata de cancelar; 0 (c) que el propietario de la marra, que solicite la cancelaci6n basado en un derecho preferente s. la propiedad y uso de la misma, haya comerciado y comercie con o en el :pais en que se solicite la cs.ncelaCl6n y que en este hayan circulado y circulen los productos o mercancias senalados con su marca desde fecha anterior a la presentaci6n de la solicitud de registro 0 dep6sito de la marca cuys. cancelaci6n se j>retende, 0 de Ia adopci6n y uso de Is. misma. Article.8. When the owner of a mark seeks the registration or deposit of the mark in a Contracting State other than that of origin of the mark and such registration or deposit is refused because of the previous registration or de- posit of an interfering mark, he shall have the right to apply for and obtain the cancellation or annulment of the interfering mark upon proving, in accordance with the legal procedure of the country in which cancellation is sought, the stipulations in Paragraph (a) and those of either Paragraph (b) or (c) below: (a) That he enjoyed legal pro- tection for his mark in another of the Contracting States prior to the date of the application for the registration or deposit which he seeks to cancel; and (b) that the claimant of the interfering mark, the cancellation of which is sought, had knowledge of the use, employment, registra- tion or deposit in any of the Con- tracting States of the mark for the specific goods to which said inter- fering mark is applied, prior to adoption and use thereof or prior to the filing of the application or deposit of the mark which is sought to be cancelled; or (c) that the owner of the mark who seeks cancellation based on a prior right to the ownership and use of such mark, has traded or trades with or in the country in which cancellation is sought, and that goods designated by his mark have circulated and circu- late in said country from a date prior to the filing of the applica- tion for registration or deposit for the mark, the cancellation which is claimed, or prior to the adoption and use of the same.