Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1314

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2922' CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. Articulo 9. pri~~ on Cuando 10. denegaci6n del regis- tro 0 dep6sito de una marco. se base en un registro previo hecho de acuerdo con esta Convenci6n, 01 propietario de 10. marco. de que se trate tendra el derecho de pedir Canoollatlon of mark y de obtener 10. cancelaci6n de 10. by proof of abandoned • • uae, marca preVlamente regIStrada 0 depositada, probando, de acuerdo con los procedimientos legales del pais en que trata de obtener el registro 0 dep6sito de su marco., que el registrante de la marco. que desea cancelar la ha abandonado. El termino para declarar aban- Parlod so desilnated. donada una marco. por falta de uso sera el que determine la ley na- cion 0.1, yen su defecto, sera de dos anos y un dia a contar desde 10. fecha del registro 0 dep6sito si 10. marca no ha sido nunca emyleada, odeunanoyundiasie sban- dono 0 falta de em:pleo tuvo lugar despues de haber sldo usada. Articulo 10, ~:.e<!r.teo- El perlodo de protecci6n otor- gado a las marcas registradas 0 depositadas de acuerdo con los terminos de esta Convenci6n, asi como sus renovaciones, sera el que fljen las leyes del Estado en que se solicite el registro 0 dep6sito 0.1 tiempo de solicitarse la protecci6n de acuerdo con esta Convenci6n. Mart.: I. one State U ~td1.t OODSidere4 Independ- no.vezelecua0eregisro0 enU:rolu:rothecState. dep6sito de una marco. en cada Estado Contratante, existira inde- pendientemente yno sera afectado por los cambios que ocurran en el registro 0 dep6sito de dicba marco. en otros Estados Contratantes, salvo que otra coso. disponga 10. legislacl6n interna de cada Estado Contratante. Articulo 11, TrauaIen recognized, La trasmisi6n en el pais de origen de 10. propiedad de una marco. registrada 0 depositada, tendra el mismo valor y sera reco- nocida en los demas Estados Con- Article 9. When the refusal of registration or deposit of a mark is based on a registration previously effected in accordance with this Convention, the owner of the refused mark shall bave the right to request and obtain the cancellation of the mark previously registered or de- posited, by proving, in accordance with the legal procedure of the country in which he is endeavor- ing to obtain registration or de- posit of his mark, that the regis- trant of the mark which he desires to cancel, has abandoned it. The period within which a mark may be declared abandoned for lack of use shall be determined by the intemallaw of each coun- try, and if there is no provision in the internal law, the period shall be two years and one day begin- ning from the date of regIStration or deposit if the mark has never been used, or one year and one day if the abandonment or lack of use took place after the mark has been used. Article 10. The period of protection granted to marks registered, de- posited or renewed under this Convention, shall be the period fixed by the laws of the State in which registration, deposit or renewal is made at the time when made. Once the registration or deposit of a mark in any Contracting State has been effected, each such registration or deposit shall exist independently of every other and shall not be affected by chan~es that may occur in the registratIOn or deposit of such mark in the other Contracting States, unless otherwise provided by domestic law, Article 11. The transfer of the ownership of a registered or deposited mark in the country of its original regis- tration shall be effective and shall be recognized in the other Con-