Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1366

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2974 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. Articulo 18. Regulations-Con. Este Reglamento podr' Ber modi- tlnued. fiMdo en cu&1quier tlempo a solicitud de cu&1quiera de los Esta.doB Contra- tantes 0 del Director de 1a Oficina, siempre que la modificaci6n no infrinja 1a COnvenci6n General ni e1 Protocolo de que el Reglsmento forma parte, y haya !lido aprobada PQr el Consejo Directivo de la Uni6n Panamericana, despu~ de circulada entre los Estad08 Contratantes por un perfodo de seis meses antes de la aprobaci6n por 1& Uni6n Pansmericana. Signatures. En testimonio de 10 cual los delegados arriba nombrados fir- man el presente Protocolo en es- panol, ingles, portugues y frances, y estampan sus respectivos sellos. Becho en la ciudad de Wash- ington 8. los veinte elias del mes de febrero de mil novecientos veintinueve. Article 18. These Regulations may be modified at any time at the request of any of the Confil'aCting States or the Direct-or of the Buret'.u, provided that the modification does not violate the Genem Convell- tion or the Protocol of which the Regu- lations form a part, and that the modi- fication is approved by the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, after having been circulated among the Contracting States for a period of six months before submission for the approv&1 of the Pan American Union. In witness whereof the above named dele~ates have signed this Protocol in English, Spanish, Por- tuguese and French, and thereto have affixed their respective seals. Done in the City of Washing- ton on the twentieth day of Feb- ruary in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. [SEAL1 A.. GONZALEZ PRADA [SEAL] EMETERIO CANO DE LA V EGA [SEAL] JUAN VICENTE RAMfREZ [SEAL] GONZALO ZALDUMBIDE [SEAL] FRANCISCO DE MOYA [SEAL] R. J . A .LFARO [SEAL] JUAN B. CHEVALIER [SEAL] P. R . RINCONES [SEAL] MANUEL CASTRO QUESADA [SEAL} F. E . PIU