Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/614

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2222 INTER-AMERICAN CONCILIATION. JANUARY 5, 1929. A1IU, p. 2214. RaWlcatlOD. nentes creadas ),>Or el referido Tratado de Santiago de Chile, a fin de que dichasCOmisiones des- empenen las funciones concilia- tonas estipuladas en el Articulo 3 de 180 presente Convenci6n. ARTicULO 16 La presente Convenci6n sera ratificada por las Altas Partes Contratantes de acuerdo con sus procedimientos constituciona.!es, debiendo ratificar previamente el Tratado de Santiago de Chile de 3deMayode1923lasqueno10 hubiesen hecho. an~A~J!ns?riginal La Convenci6n origina.! y los instrumentos de ratificaci6n seran depositados en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de I a. Re- publica de Chile, que comunica.ra las ratificaciones por 180 via. diplo- matico. a los demas Gobiemos signata.rios, entrando 180 Conven- ci6n en vigor entre las Altas Partes Contratantes en el orden en que vayan depositando sus ratifica.ciones. DuratiOD. Esta Convenci6n regira inde- DenunciatiOD. finidamente; pero podra ser de- nunciada mediante aviso dado con un ano de anticipaci6n, trans- currido el cua.! cesara en sus efectos para el denunciant-e, que- dando subsistente para los demas signatarios. La denuncia sera dirigida a.! Ministerio de Rela- ('iones Exteriores de 180 Republica de Chile;. que 180 trasmitira a los demas tiobiemos signata.rios a los efectos consiguientes. AdhereDce of DOD- IigDatoty states. Los Estados americanos que no hayan suscrito esta Convenci6n podran adherirse a ella, enyjando el instrumento oficia.! en que se consigne esta adhesi6n a.! Minis- terio de Relaciones Exteriores de 180 Republica de Chile que 10 notificara a las otras Altas Partes Contratantes en 180 forma antes exp_resada. En testimonio de 10 cua.! los Plenipotenciarios arriba nombra- dos finnan 180 presente Conven- ci6n, en espano), ingles, portugues y frances, y estampan sus res- pectivos sellos. sions constituted br the afore- mentioned Treaty 0 Santiago de Chile, to the end that said Com- missions may exercise the con- ciliatory functions prescribed in Article 3 of this convention. ARTICLE 16 The present convention shaH be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective constitutional proced- ures, provided that they have pre- viously ratified the Treaty of San- tiago, Chile, of May 3, 1923. The origina.! convention and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the Ministry. for Forei~ Affairs of the Republic of Chile which shall give notice of the ratifications through diplo- matic channels to the other signa- tory Governments and the con- vention shall enter into effect for the High Contracting Parties in the order that they deposit their ratifications. This convention shall remain in force indefinitely, but it may be denounced by means of notice given one year in advance at the expiration of which it shall cease to be in force as regards the Part! denouncing the same, but shall remain in force as re~ards the other signatories. Notice of the denunciation shall be addressed to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile which will transmit it for appropriate action to the other signatory Governments. Any American State not a sig- natory of this convention may ad- here to the same by transmitting the official instrument setting forth such adherence, to the Ministry for Foreign Affair of the Republic of Chile which will notify the other High Contracting Parties thereof in the manner heretofore mentioned. In witness whereof the above mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed this convention in Eng- lish, Spanish, Portugese and French and hereunto affix their respective seals.