Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/650

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2258 CONCILIATION TREATY-CZECHOSLOVAKIA. AUGu8'!' 16, 1928. International nlssion. Composition. Appointment. proceedings have failed and the se Vysoke smluvni strany 0 roz- High Contracting Parties do not hodnuti k pfislusnemu tribunalu, have recourse to adjudication by bude odevzdan k vysetferu a a competent tribunal, be sub- podani zpravy Stale mezinarodni mitted for investigation and re- komisi, ustavene jak pfedepsano port to a permanent International v nasledujidm Clarum; a jsou za Commission constituted in the jedno, ze nevyhlasl valku ani manner prescribed in the next nezahaji nepfatelstvi po dobu succeeding Article; and they agree takoveho vysetrovani a dokud not to declp,re war or begin hos- nebude podana zprava. tilities during such investigation and before the report is sub- mitted. ARTICLE II CLANEK II Com- The International Commission shall be composed of five mem- bers, to be appointed as follows: One meillber shall be chosen from each (lountry, by the Gov- ernment thereof; one member shall be chosen by each Govern- ment from some third country; the fifth member shall be chosen by common agreement between the two Governments, it being understood that he shall not be a. citizen of either country. The expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the two Governments in equal proportions. The International Commission shall be appointed within six months after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty; and vacancies shall he filled a.ccord- ing to the manner of the original appointment. ARTICLE III Mezinarodni komise se bude skladati z 5 Hemi, ktefi se usta. - novi takto: jeden elen se zvoli z kazdeho statu jeho viadou; jednoho elena zvoli kaMa z obou vlad z nektere tfeti zeme; paty elen bude zvolen spoleenou doho- dou mezi obema vladami, pH eemz se rozumf, ze tyz nebude pfislusn5kem zadneho z obou statti. N aklady na komisi za- plati obe vlady stejnYm dilem. Mezinarodni komise bude jme- novana do 6 mesicft po vymene ratifikacl teto smlouvy a u- prazdnena mista y ni budou ob- sazena stejnym zpdsobem, jako pftvodni jmenovam1. CLANEK III Immediate reference In case the High Contracting to the InternationalP . h11h fild d Jestlize VysokYm smluvnim stranam se nepodaff urovnati 8por diplomatickou cestou, a kdyz se neuchyli 0 rozhodnuti k pffs- lusnemu tribunaIu, odevzdaji spor ihned Mezinarodni komisi k vyse- trenl tI. podani zpravy. Mezi- narodni komise mMe vsak k tomu eili 0 sve ujma jednomysl- nym rozhodllutim nabldnouti 8Ve sluzby a v takovem pffpade zpravi 0 tom oba vlady a pozada o jejich spolupraci pH vysetfovanl Commission. artles 8 a aveaeto8. - just a dispute by diplomatic methods, and they c:> not have recourse to adjUdication by a competent tribunal, they shall at once refer it to the International Commission for investigation and report. The International Com- mission may, however, spontane- ously by unanimous agreement offer its services to that effect, and in such case it shall notify both Governments and request their cooperation in the investi- gation. Facilities to be fur- The High Contracting Parties Dished. agree to furnish the Permanent Vysoke smluvni strany jsou za jedno, ze, poskytnou Stale