Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/741

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ARBITRATION TREATY-HUNGARY. JANUARY 26, 1929. Arbitration treaty between the United States and Hungary. Signed at Washington, January 26, 1929; ratification advised by the Senate, February 18, 1929; ratified by the President, ...7f'ebruary 28, 1929; ratified by Hungary, July 6, 1929; ratifications exchanged at Wash- ington, July 24., 1929; proclaimed, July 24., 1929. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI'i'ED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION 2349 1anuary 26. 1m. WHEREAS a Treaty of Arbitration between the United States of Arbitration wltll America and the Kingdom of Hungary was concluded and signed H~ble. by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the twenty- si.~th day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, the origmal of which Treaty, being in the English and Hungarian languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United Az Amerikai Egyesiilt A.llamok Contracting Power!'. States of America and His Serene Elnoke es 0 Fomelt6saga Magya- Highness the Regent of the King- rorezag kormanyz6ja dom of Hungary Determined to prevent so far as in their power lies any inter- ruption in the peaceful relations now happily existing between the two nations; Desirous of reaffirming their adherence to the policy of sub- mitt·ing to impartial decision all justiciable controversies that may arise between them; and Eager by their example not only to demonstrate their con- demnation of war as an instru- ment of national policy in their mutual relations, but also to hasten the time when the per- fection of international arrange- ments for the pacific settlement of international disputes shall have eliminated forever the pos- sibility of war among any of the Powers of the world; Have decided to conclude a new treaty of arbitration enlarg- ing the scope and obligations of the arbitration convention azon elhatarozas folytan, hogy, amennyiben ez csak hatalmukban all, a ket nemzet kozott jelenleg orvendetesen fennall6 bekes vis- zony barmely megbontasat me- gakadalyozz8.k, djb61 megerlSsiteni 6hajtva to- vabba ahhoz a politikaboz val6 ragaszkodasukat, amely szerint a kozottiik esetleg felmeriilo, bir6- uton val6 elintezesre alkal- mas vitas kerdesek partatlan dO- ntes ala bocsattaseanak, es att61 az 6hajt61 vezetve, hogy peldajuk altal ne cm annak adjanak kifejezest, hogy a haborut, mint a nemzeti politika eszkozet egymashoz val6 kol- csonos viszonyukban elitelik, hanem siettentni is kivanj8.k annak az idonek bekovetkezeset, amiddn a nemzetkozi' viszalyok bekes elintezesere iranyul6 nem- zetkozi megallapodasok tokelet- esebbe tetele a vilag osszes hatalmai kozott mindenkorra ki fogja zami a haboru lehetdseget, elhataroztak uj valasztott bir6sagi szerzlSdes megkoteset, amely kibdviti az 1909. evi januar h6 I5-en Washingtonban Purpose declared. Vol. 36. p.21.56.