Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/860

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2468 IMlJORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8.1927. • January 30,1928. vention are strictly observed by all authorities, central or local, and that no regulation is issued in contravention thereof. Article S. Disguised prohlbl- Should the High Contracting U<ma, etc., by legisla- tilm. Parties, in pursuance of their legis- Prohibitions, etc. , not prohibited. lation, subject the importation or exportation of goods to certain regulations in respect of the man- ner, form or place of importation or exportation, or the imposition of marks, or to other formalities or conditions, they undertake that such regulations shall not be made a means of disguised prohibition or arbitrary restriction. Article 4. The following classes of prohi- bitions and restrictions are not prohibited by the present Con- vention, on condition, however, that they are not applied in such a manner as to constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination be- tween foreign countries where the same conditions prevail, or a dis- guised restriction on international trade: 1. Prohibitions orrestrictions relating to public security. 2. Prohibitions orrestrictions imposed on moral or humani- tarian grounds. 3. Prohibitions or restrictions regarding traffic in arms, ammu- nition and implements of war, or, in exceptional circumstances, all other military supplies. 4. Prohibitions or restrictions imposed for the protection of public health or for the protec- tion of animals or plants against disease, insects and harmful para,sites_ pr~ilte Convention soient rigou- reusement observOOs par toutes les autorit6!-centralas ou 10- cales--et pour qu'aucUDo r~le­ mentation contrevenant a cas dispositions ne puisse ~tre Mictoo. Article S. Si las Hautes Parties contrac- tantes, en appli{'.ation de leur 16gislation, soumettent l'importa- tion ou l'exportation de marchan- dises a certaines r~les concern8Iit Ie mode, la forme ou Ie lieu d'im- portation ou d'exportation, l'ap- position de marques, ou a d'autres formalites Oll conditions, Elles s'engagent a n'en pas fsire un moyen de prohibition d6guisee ni de restriction arbitrsire. Article 4. Les categories suivantes de pro- hibitions et de restrictions ne sont pas interdites par la presente Convention, ala conditio£., toute- fois, qU'elies ne soient pas appli- quees de maniere a constituer un moyen de discrimination arbi- traire entre les pays etrangers OU existent les m~mes conditions, ni de maniere a constituer une restriction deguisee des echanges internationaux : 10 Prohibitions ou restrictions relatives ala securite publique; 20 Prohibitions ou restrictions edictees pour des raisons morale ou humanita.ires; 3° Prohibitions ourestrictions concernant Ie trafic des armes, des munitions et des materiels de guerre, ou, dans des circon- stances exceptionnelles, de tous autres approvisionneruents de guerre; 4° Prohibitions ou restrictions edictees en vue de proteger la sante publique ou d'assurer la protection des animaux ou des plantes contre les maladies, les insectes etles parasitesnuisibles;