Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/894

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2502 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8.1027 . • January 30.1928. c:;:~~ntlart~ The President of the Estonian Republic: M. A . Schmidt, Assistant Min- ister for Foreign Affairs; The President of the Republic of Finland: M. Rudolf Holsti, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations; M. Gunnar Kihlman, Director of Political and Commercial Affairs at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; The President of the French Republic: M. Daniel Serruys, Director of Commercial Agreements in the Ministry of Commerce; His Serene Highness the Governor of Hungary: M. Alfred NickI, Counsellor of Legation; His Majesty the King of Italy: M. A . Di Nola, Director-Gen- eral of Commerce and of Economic Policy; M. Pasquale Troise, Director- General of Customs; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan: M. N. Ito, Counsellor of Em- bassy, Acting Director of the Imperial Japanese League of Nations Office; M. J. Tsushima, Financial Commissioner of the Japanese Government in London, Paris and New York; The President of the Latvian Republic: M. Charles Duzmans, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative accredited to the League of Nations; Le President de la Repuhlique d'Estonie: M. A . Schmidt, Ministre adjoint des Affaires etrangeres; Le President de la Republique de Finlande: M. Rudolf Holsti, Envoye ex- traordinaire et Ministre pIe- nipotentiaire, Delegueperma- nent aupres de la Societe des Nations; M. Gunnar Kihlman, Directeur des Maires politiques et commerciales au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres; La President de la Republique Fran~aise: M. Daniel Serruys, Directeur des accords commerciaux au Ministere du Commerce; Son Altesse Serenissime Ie Gou- verneur de la Hongrie: M. Alfred NickI, Conseiller de legation; Sa Majesta Ie Roi d'Italie: M. A . Di Nola, Directeur ge- neral du commerce et de 18 politique economique; M. Pasquale Troise, Directeur general des Douanes; Sa Majesta l'Empereur du Japon: M. N. Ito, Conseiller d'ambas- eade, Directeur adjoint du Bureau imperial du Japon a 18. Societe des Nations; M. J. Tsushima, Commissaire financier du Gouvernement du Japon a Londres, a Paris et a New-York; Le President de 18. Republique de Lettonie: M. Charles Duzmans, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Represen- tant permanent aupres de 18. Societe des Nations;